Tuesday, February 14, 2023

raceless man charged in nyc subway shove told victim: "I'm going to kill you"

By N.S.

"homeless man charged in NYC subway shove told victim: 'I'm going to kill you'"

"A homeless man was busted Tuesday for allegedly shoving a stranger onto the tracks at a brooklyn subway station."

I knew the race before I read the name of the suspect or saw his mug shot. Only once have I heard of an attempted subway murderer in new york city who wasn't black. He was hispanic, and stabbed one or more vics.


suspected war criminal Cory Walcott's mug shot


David In TN said...

But, but, but don't you know Manhattan, Brooklyn, and NY state prosecutors have more important things to do than prosecute dangerous criminals threatening public safety?

Anonymous said...

"But, but, but don't you know Manhattan, Brooklyn, and NY state prosecutors have more important things to do than prosecute dangerous(BLACK) criminals threatening public safety?"

GRA:Just Whites,David.But only if they can frame him with a phony crime


Anonymous said...

"I'm going to kill you!" And he meant it too.