Sunday, February 19, 2023

black conservative... pens a good article about the media burying the arlington mass school shooter story because the shooter was black

Jerry PDX
sunday, february 19, 2023 at 8:26:00 a.m. est

Charles Love, who appears to be a black conservative...maybe, I'll have to look in on his writing a little more, pens a good article for newsweek about the media burying the Arlington mass school shooter story because the shooter was black:

I'm amazed newsweek ran the story but it's probably because the writer is black.

Postscript, february 20, 821 a.m.: Charles Love: “Thus, because black men are over-criminalized and portrayed as violent, the liberal media has invested a lot of energy trying to overcorrect on this front, turning a blind eye to rising crime and skyrocketing murder.”

N.S.: Nonsense. black men are under-criminalized, and it is White men who are dishonesty portrayed as violent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I posted below Jerry's original post,there is no such thing as a "conservative black."

There are lying,phony negroes,attempting to make a niche for themselves in the media world--with networks like FOX--MORE than ready to play along with the charade.

He wants to be the next Candace Owens or Larry Elder--and why not?They make good money to "not act black".