Monday, December 19, 2022

Ron Unz, the Kennedy Assassination, and … Whatever

[Previously: “Tucker Carlson: ‘the CIA killed JFK’!”]

By David in TN
monday, december 19, 2022 at 8:40:00 p.m. est

Ron Unz is at it again. Today (Monday) he put out another post on the “subject.” The commenters get more idiotic each time.

“American Pravda: The JFK Assassination, and the Covid Cover-Up”


Anonymous said...

Who killed Kennedy?

Who covered it up?


David In TN said...

I asked Ron Unz again in the comment section why didn't the deep state destroy JFK with a sex scandal? Ron replied pretty much agreeing. He had even written so before. Ron is fixated on LBJ and Mossad as the perps.

So, does Ron thinks the Israelis killed JFK because he wouldn't let them build nuclear weapons?

Anonymous said...

Ron Unz regular basis certainly caters to the conspiracy crowd he will put just about anything on his website that is of a conspiratorial nature regardless of how ridiculous or unfounded again Ron Unz his website is quite peculiar I am not really confident about anything that really is posted on his end although I do read the websites on a very regular basis

Ron Unz website particularly caters to the Holocaust deniers it is like it is all done deliberately saying you can have all his eggs in one basket for observation with all the crazy whack jobs that make comments to posts as well

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
They finally caught a White guy vandalizing a Menorah with Nazi symbols on first night of Hannukah...or did they?

No photo of perp in any articles I've seen but this one just hit the news and may gain some traction over the next few days. I searched for Eric Brian King in google images and found an image of a very young looking White guy with a caption relating him to the incident, plus another B&W grainy photo of a White guy that may or may not be that young looking guy. It says in the article Eric Brian King is 47 yrs. old but there's no way that kid in the google image photo is 47, looks more like 19. Guy in the grainy photo looks older but it's not a clear enough image to clearly judge age with any certainty. Not sure what's going on here but it does appear to be a White guy who did this, first one in how many blacks in a row committing these kind of vandalism "hate crimes"? 100? More? I'd be curious to know what this guys background is, my guess is it's an Antifa BLM supporter staging a hoax, if it's that kid in the clear photo, he's got that look about him.

David In TN said...

Is Ron Unz catching on to what running idiotic articles and allowing stupid comments brings? He made a comment saying in part:

"Never let it be said that our lightly moderated website doesn't attract its share of ignorant lunatics."

David In TN said...

Four days later Ron Unz runs the same idiotic tripe again.