Saturday, December 10, 2022

“famous,” woke, fake sports reporter (whom nobody here had ever heard of, and who had accomplished nothing in life) drops dead in qatar covering a nothing sporting event (the world cup)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, december 10, 2022 at 7:16:00 p.m. est

(cnn) “in an episode of the podcast futbol with Grant Wahl, published days before his death on december 6, he had complained of feeling unwell.

“‘it had gotten pretty bad in terms of like the tightness in my chest, tightness, pressure. feeling pretty hairy, bad,’ Wahl told co-host Chris Wittyngham in the episode. he added that he sought help at the medical clinic at the world cup media center, believing he had bronchitis.

“he was given cough syrup and ibuprofen, and felt better shortly afterward, he said

“‘I’ve gotten sick to some extent at every tournament, and it’s just about trying to find a way to like get your work done.’

[N.S.: “Like”? What was he, a valley girl?]

“he further described the incident in a recent newsletter published on december 5, writing that his body had ‘broke down’ after he had little sleep, high stress and a heavy workload. he’d had a cold for 10 days, which ‘turned into something more severe,’ he wrote, adding that he felt better after receiving antibiotics and catching up on sleep.

“Wahl had made headlines in november by reporting that he was detained and briefly refused entry to a world cup match because he was wearing a rainbow t-shirt in support of lgbtq rights.

GRA: The way media are covering this death, one would have thought Obama himself had keeled over. It was reported Wahl was vaxxed to the max.

‘Nuff said.


N.S.: Revised headline: unknown ally of militant homosexualists and sexual psychopaths drops dead of unknown causes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[N.S.: “Like”? What was he, a valley girl?]

GRA:Just "his" immune system.

On reading this a second time,Wahl complained about "a heavy workload,no sleep and high stress."
Yet,all the pics you see,are of him sitting in a booth,reclining back. Maybe his flaccid ticker couldn't take it when someone broke up the boredom of a soccer game and scored a goal! A shock to anyone's system.