From: Emerald Robinson's The Right Way <>
Sent: Sat, Jun 11, 2022 9:30 am
Subject: Fox News Pushes Transgender Surgery For Your Kids
Fox News Pushes Transgender Surgery For Your KidsRupert Murdoch's network is transitioning into CNN before your very eyesFox News is now running segments that endorse transgender surgery for children. Its well known TV host Dana Perino introduced the segment with the phrase "Pride Month continues!" It's not enough anymore to employ Guy Benson or make the wig-wearing Bruce Jenner an infrequent contributor. Fox News wants to queer itself. It's taking the intersectional hormone shots. Fox News wants to transition into CNN. Fox News actually ran an entire segment endorsing trans surgery for children. This isn't one of those wacky weekend hosts either. This is from Fox News' Republican staple Dana Perino. The Fox News reporter Bryan Llenas who did this segment actually says things like: "…before Ryland could even speak, she told her parents that she was a boy." How do you communicate your gender identity before you can speak? Ryland supposedly "came out as a boy" at the age of five. How did that happen? The parents decided that, since Ryland didn't want to wear a dress all the time, she was a boy. That's an absurd line of reasoning, of course, but the entire segment is propaganda encouraging parents to view the chemical castration of their own children as "normal." Nothing could be further from the truth. When you scratch beneath the surface of this story, it's obvious what's happened to this poor child. The parents are attention-seekers of the worst kind: there's a CNN film and a website and a book and press releases and a media section on the mother's website and another website to prove it. This is a business for the parents: they're monetizing their child's gender change. The only thing missing from their website is a discount coupon for puberty blockers. In other words, it's child abuse — fueled by money and fame. In case you think this one segment is an outlier, Fox News is also publishing op-eds supporting gun control by the Democrat's favorite student-activist David Hogg at the same time. Wake up: Fox News is run by Australian liberals married to Clinton employees who run "information disorder commissions" at the Aspen Institute in their spare time . Fox News executives are putting pronouns in their bios in office emails (I've seen them). Fox News demands that all of its employees take the deadly COVID vaccines — go check on John Roberts to see how scary the side effects happen to be. Fox News still refuses to mention election fraud in the 2020 election . Fox News tried to push UFO coverage on a GOP primary day to distract GOP voters from voting for Trump-endorsed candidates. Fox News took money from the Biden regime to push the deadly COVID vaccines while failing to inform its audience that the entire network had been paid to run a 24/7 vaccine telethon for Big Pharma! Fox News is garbage. I Need Your Support!Who held the Biden Administration to account for its corruption every day like me? Independent and fearless journalists need your support like never before. I need your support like never before. The corporate media is completely corrupt. Just go down the list: the Russia Hoax, the stolen 2020 election, the deadly COVID vaccines. The corporate media is actively trying to hide the truth from the American people on a daily basis. If we are going to survive the current regime then we must stand together. I've got your back. Do you have mine? You're a free subscriber to Emerald Robinson's The Right Way. For the full experience, become a paid subscriber. |
Check your chromosomes and genitalia--and if you're still convinced you're the opposite sex of what all the evidence clearly points to,there's always shock treatments--at extreme high voltage.
GRA:The style of the Democrats is clear--as far as how they broadcast their view of "facts" over the airwaves.Crimes by blacks are censored,the networks refused to broadcast Trump speeches when he was in office,they often used subjective words and opinions in "reporting" everything from Russiagate to voter fraud to vaxx side effects and efficacy--and so called "racism" by Whites.
Interesting,to me,was testimony by Bill Barr.Barr was "unimpressed" with a security report by Allied Security systems about Dominion machines that Trump received and also "unimpressed" with "200 Mules" and mentioned,that even if many of the claims were true,"courts would not throw out votes."
His attitude--and the courts--appeared to be a case of "no one was going to want to upset the apple cart"--no matter what the evidence might show.I remember the courts,at the time,refusing to hear anything about potential voter fraud.As has been reported,45,000 votes over 3 states was the difference in Biden winning over Trump.
Even after four years of media's open contempt of Trump on-air--with plenty of lies to boot--the economy was doing well,foreign policy seemed to be competent,gas prices were low--the country was doing decent--in spite of the suspicious Covid pandemic.
With that in mind,who would vote for a dottering,brain damaged Biden?
As the stock market sinks ever lower today,I would think--not many.
The goal of these hearings,as I mentioned,is to destroy Trump as a 2024 candidate--and possibly have him arrested--for a real sh*tshow.
Fox calls him,"a normal person"--I see no sign of facial hair,for one thing.
"'…before Ryland could even speak, she told her parents that she was a boy.'"
"How do you communicate your gender identity before you can speak?"
That was my instantaneous thought too. I guess maybe as a baby or toddler made an effeminate hand gesture or such?
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