Sunday, June 12, 2022

fox news pushes transgender surgery for Your Kids

-----Original Message-----
From: Emerald Robinson's The Right Way <>
Sent: Sat, Jun 11, 2022 9:30 am
Subject: Fox News Pushes Transgender Surgery For Your Kids

Fox News Pushes Transgender Surgery For Your Kids


Anonymous said...

Check your chromosomes and genitalia--and if you're still convinced you're the opposite sex of what all the evidence clearly points to,there's always shock treatments--at extreme high voltage.


Anonymous said...


GRA:The style of the Democrats is clear--as far as how they broadcast their view of "facts" over the airwaves.Crimes by blacks are censored,the networks refused to broadcast Trump speeches when he was in office,they often used subjective words and opinions in "reporting" everything from Russiagate to voter fraud to vaxx side effects and efficacy--and so called "racism" by Whites.

Interesting,to me,was testimony by Bill Barr.Barr was "unimpressed" with a security report by Allied Security systems about Dominion machines that Trump received and also "unimpressed" with "200 Mules" and mentioned,that even if many of the claims were true,"courts would not throw out votes."

His attitude--and the courts--appeared to be a case of "no one was going to want to upset the apple cart"--no matter what the evidence might show.I remember the courts,at the time,refusing to hear anything about potential voter fraud.As has been reported,45,000 votes over 3 states was the difference in Biden winning over Trump.

Even after four years of media's open contempt of Trump on-air--with plenty of lies to boot--the economy was doing well,foreign policy seemed to be competent,gas prices were low--the country was doing decent--in spite of the suspicious Covid pandemic.

With that in mind,who would vote for a dottering,brain damaged Biden?

As the stock market sinks ever lower today,I would think--not many.

The goal of these hearings,as I mentioned,is to destroy Trump as a 2024 candidate--and possibly have him arrested--for a real sh*tshow.


Anonymous said...

Fox calls him,"a normal person"--I see no sign of facial hair,for one thing.


Anonymous said...

"'…before Ryland could even speak, she told her parents that she was a boy.'"

"How do you communicate your gender identity before you can speak?"

That was my instantaneous thought too. I guess maybe as a baby or toddler made an effeminate hand gesture or such?