Friday, June 24, 2022

"liberals' meltdown over Second Amendment decision: 'it has become necessary to dissolve' scotus"

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From: IJR <>
To: <>
Thu, Jun 23, 2022 2:04 p.m.

"liberals' meltdown over Second Amendment decision: 'it has become necessary to dissolve' scotus"

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Liberals Meltdown Over Second Amendment Decision: 'It Has Become Necessary to Dissolve' SCOTUS


Anonymous said...

Even without these latest rulings of the court the leftists [communists] have that goal in mind anyhow. Abolish the court. And also the Presidency, the Senate, the electoral college, etc. You name it they want it done away with. The goal is to create a one party [Democratic] authoritarian or totalitarian state with a super-majority governed by them forever. With rigged elections too as part of the equation. Already exist in California with a super-majority in the legislator. That state wrapped up for some time and probably never going back.

Anonymous said...

What happened?They used to be SCROTUS(Supreme Court Radicals of the United States),but now in one week,they become SCOTUS again--with rulings on the 2nd amendment and abortion going the direction of conservatives.Can they revisit gay and interracial marriage too?This HAS to be a fake-out,a bone toss before they revert back to destroying the country.