Monday, July 05, 2021

How Does a Predominantly White City become a Reparations City, Illinois? An Exclusive Analysis

[“Reparations City, Illinois Permitted black supremacist Juneteenth and Homosexual ‘Pride’ Parades, but Cancelled July 4 Parade, Asserting COVID-19 Concerns.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Sunday, July 4, 2021 at 10:38:00 A.M. EDT

It’s unfathomable to me also, how a city with a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio of Whites to blacks, could elect a black mayor or city commission--I’ve pointed that out many times on here--but it’s happening because Whites are not like-minded anymore. We’ve been splintered by all the propaganda the purveyors of blm/antifa have dished out non-stop, into what are now at LEAST three groups of Whites:

1) pro-black Whites (20%)
They’ve heard Holt, O’Donnell, and others complain about White privilege and supremacy non-stop--and want to be “fair” and give blacks a chance. College commies have turned White students into self-hating mental cases. Bad move.

2) Lethargic Whites (25%)

Beaten down, these Whites have lost interest in politics and life in general. They stay home from voting, thinking they can’t stop blacks from winning these offices because “the powers that be” want them in. White candidates are disappearing in cities where black demographics are over 25%--I think, because the political parties won’t support Whites running for office in those cities. The people--those behind-the -scenes party operatives--are also becoming more black.

3) Us.

If half of Whites don’t vote for Whites--or there isn’t a White candidate--we’re outnumbered. The “Us’s” can’t overcome blacks voting 100% for blacks and the Whites voting for them too, or abstaining.

It just doesn’t add up anymore, and it’s too bad, because blacks running cities are no different--in that role—than the way they perform in school, working at a McDonald’s, or living in a neighborhood.

That is, chaotic, disorganized, dysfunctional and lawless.


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