Friday, May 01, 2020

Police: Shooting at Cuban Embassy is "Suspected Hate Crime"

By R.C.
Thu, Apr 30, 2020 8:40 p.m.

"Police: Shooting at Cuban Embassy is 'suspected hate crime'" | WTOP

WASHINGTON (AP) — A man armed with an assault rifle was arrested after opening fire outside the Cuban Embassy in Washington early Thursday, his bullets tearing holes into the walls and pillars ...

North Texas Man Suspected in Shooting at Cuban Embassy in Washington DC

A North Texas man armed with an assault rifle opened fire toward the Cuban Embassy in Washington early Thursday, authorities said.

So, Shot Spotter didn't hear the sound of gunfire?

"ShotSpotter is an important forensic tool that is more reliable than witnesses. My office relies on it to provide hard evidence on which gun fired first and from what precise location to help prosecute criminals." DISTRICT ATTORNEY HILLARY MOORE East Baton Rouge | Customer since 2007 . Miami, Florida ...

Oh, that's right.

Northwest D.C., home to Embassy Row, is affluent and lily white.

No need for Negro Spotter, oops!, I mean Shot Spotter, near Embassy Row.

Embassy Row - Wikipedia

Embassy Row is the informal name for the section of Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. between Scott Circle and the North side of the United States Naval Observatory, in which embassies, diplomatic missions, and other diplomatic representations are concentrated.By extension, the name may be used to encompass nearby streets which also host diplomatic buildings


He's probably a mulatto Cuban, but "authorities" will say that he's "white."

Just like the flu has morphed into COVID.

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