Thursday, August 01, 2019

Racist, Black 10-Year-Old Thug Repeatedly Uses 9-Year-Old White Boy as Punching Bag, Gives Vic a Concussion and Abrasions; Racist, Black Prosecutor Initially Charges but then Drops Charges against Perp; His Mother Asserts that He’s the Victim, and is Only Guilty of “being a black boy”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 11:40:00 A.M. EDT

Black 10-Year-Old Charged with Assault after Hitting (unknown race) 9-year-old with dodge ball. Mother Claims Racism. Kym Worthy Subsequently Drops the Charges

(Detroit News) Canton Township — A 10-year-old has been charged with aggravated assault after hitting a 9-year-old classmate in the face with a rubber ball similar to a dodge ball, the county prosecutor said.

The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office said pupils at a Canton Township school were playing “tips” April 29 in which participants jump to catch a ball that’s tossed upward.

Prosecutors say the game ended and an older boy threw the ball “with force,” causing his classmate to suffer a concussion and abrasions.

A fundraising Facebook page for a boy charged with aggravated assault, after hitting a 9-year-old classmate in the face with a rubber ball, identified the school where the incident happened as being Eriksson Elementary in Canton. The charge has now been dropped.

The older boy’s mother said in a written statement the only thing her son is guilty of “is being a black boy.” The injured boy’s race wasn’t available.

(GRA: That’s the all-encompassing defense blacks are using in all situations—loud parties, drug dealing, not cutting grass, not taking out the trash-“we just being black!”—but if you think about it, the defense could be interpreted in more than one way. “Guilty of being a black boy” can be looked at as, 1) He’s being picked on racially but more importantly, 2) He’s a black boy--what else would you expect from a black?)

The prosecutor’s spokeswoman, Maria Miller, said the charges are not based on race. A Thursday appearance in Juvenile Court is scheduled.

[N.S.: The dropping of the charges most certainly was based on race. But Maria Miller is only doing her job—lying.]

The accused youth’s mother, Cameishi Lindley, has started a fundraiser through Facebook to pay for her son's legal expenses. The effort raised more than $15,000 by Tuesday night.

[N.S.: So, the perp’s racist mother is turning her son’s crime into a profit-making enterprise. Whoever said, “Crime doesn’t pay”?]

In a post for the fundraiser, Lindley said a school official told her the 9-year-old had a pre-existing medical condition that affected his brain, and she believed “this student should not have been playing a physical-contact sport.”

[N.S.: First of all, you couldn’t trust a racist thug like Cameishi Lindley to give you the correct time of day. Secondly, this is a diversion tactic, to try and normalize her son’s crime.]

Lindley said her son had been suspended as a result of the incident.

GRA: As was subliminally reported—these charges were dropped by Kym Worthy today. Now I consider THAT decision racist.
--GR Anonymous

GRA Update Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 11:56:00 A.M. EDT


(ABC News) The injured boy’s mother said he has a rare medical condition making head injuries particularly dangerous. According to an ABC affiliate in the area, mother also said her child had been hit by this same boy in previous games.

“My son was hit twice in the face with a ball previously due to this,” the injured boy’s mother said. [N.S.: Note the passive voice, instead of, ‘The racist perp hit my son twice in the face with a ball previously.’]

“The child apologized to my son and my son said ‘mom it's OK, we’re still going to be friends.’”

[N.S.: If the racist black perp knew of his vic’s condition, he was guilty of attempted murder. The vic is learning to be a white Uncle Tom. If his mother loves him, she will sue the school for millions, and get him the hell out of there, yesterday! An apology is worthless, unless the perp is forced to endure the same abuse as retaliation. An eye for an eye.]

The older boy’s mother said she was unaware of previous incidents between her son and the victim. In a written statement, she said the only thing her son is guilty of “is being a black boy.”

The injured boy is Caucasian.

Anonymous said...

Cameshi? and where da daddy? The eternal question of the Negro mind. So the “boy” is only guilty of TNB then. Send it back to Africa and the problem will solve itself!

Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 6:38:00 P.M. EDT


Anonymous said...

Updated 4:39 p.m. EDT July 31, 2019

Canton — A day after announcing an aggravated assault charge against a 10-year-old Canton boy accused of throwing a ball at a classmate's face, the Wayne County prosecutor has dismissed the case.

"I do think that there is a better way to go forward at this time," Prosecutor Kym Worthy said in a statement announcing the dismissal.

The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office said pupils at a Canton Township school were playing “tips” April 29 in which participants jump to catch a ball that’s tossed upward.

A fundraising Facebook page for a boy who had been charged with aggravated assault, after hitting a 9-year-old classmate in the face with a rubber ball, identified the school where the incident happened as being Eriksson Elementary in Canton. The charge has now been dropped.
A fundraising Facebook page for a boy who had been charged with aggravated assault, after hitting a 9-year-old classmate in the face with a rubber ball.
Prosecutors say the game ended and a boy threw the ball “with force,” causing his 9-year-old classmate to suffer a concussion and abrasions.

"While the charge in this case is certainly sustainable," Worthy's statement said, "I have instructed my staff to dismiss this case today. It is my earnest hope that both sides will come back to the table to work out a solution that benefits both of these children ... hopefully, these charges will not have to be revisited."

Worthy's statement began by noting that the boy was never arrested, that efforts were made for a resolution before charges were considered and that "no one paid attention (to) the race of either" the suspect or the victim.

"The mother of the alleged victim had every right to go to the authorities and the authorities had an obligation to investigate," she said in the statement.

The accused youth’s mother, Cameishi Lindley, has started a fundraiser through Facebook to pay for her son's legal expenses. The effort raised more than $15,000 — while seeking only $4,000 — by Wednesday morning.
GRA:Who would contribute to this woman's cause?Obviously some black group like BLM or NAACP--certainly not individual nigs.I wonder if that info can be found out.Racist donations --to be sure.
Let's hope the white boy's mother sues and becomes possibly the first winner of a well deserved and overdue-- "White Lotto."

Anonymous said...

"If the racist black perp knew of his vic’s condition, he was guilty of attempted murder"

This is the third time this has happened. So it was not casual. They threw the ball directly at the white kid with intent to hurt him. And knowing he had a brain condition [if they knew] makes the action worse.

And of course everyone must make nice now. Bullshit.

Anonymous said...

GRA:I was surprised that the story of the 10 year old black hitting a 9 year old white(multiple times with a dodgeball-as it turned out)made Zerohedge.But the author of the article didn't view the events as we did--read Simon Black's unresearched and ignorant review:
"A ten year old boy will be brought to juvenile court on assault charges.

His heinous crime was hitting another 10 year old in the face with a dodgeball at recess.

He originally got suspended from school for one day… which seems like a more reasonable punishment.

But the tattle-tale mother of the injured child felt the need to get the authorities involved over a month after the incident.

So now before the next school year starts, the 10 year old deviant will be hauled in front of a juvenile court to answer for his playground crime.

We all know that you aren’t supposed to aim for the head in dodgeball… and we all probably did it anyway as kids."
GRA:This triggered some knee jerk comments,but the readers almost immediately changed their opinions after a little analysis.This guy had two comments,the first before getting all the facts,the second after.
That’s something you should explain to the principal,not a judge. Someone in the area needs to step up and kick the *** of the father of the complainant. Teach that *****(pussy) what the dodgeball. word assault really means.

49 minutes ago
I'm wrong. see below. It was a ******(nigger) assaulting a white kid and they weren't playin dodgeball.
GRA:Another 2 comments:

1 hour ago
Fake news. They weren't playing "dodgeball", they were playing some stupid catch game called "tips", where you basically just toss a basketball in the air and catch it. The dirty little ****** that beaned the other kid, missed his catch, went over to get the basketball, and then threw it as hard as he could into the other kids face. So basically he just sucker punched him. Hope the little son of Obama gets the book thrown at him. Get outraged by fake news if you want though, whatever.

50 minutes ago
thanks for the info. And I'm guessing the parents resorted to filing a complaint because the school wouldn't do anything because it was a ******.
GRA:Either this Simon Black moron didn't research the story(obviously,there was no update on the charges being dropped either--but other commenters caught it),or he was hellbent on twisting the story for his own means.
--GR Anonymous