Monday, August 12, 2019

"I'll ruin your s--t": Chris Cuomo Uses Threatening Language in Argument with Trump Supporter

By A Friend
Mon, Aug 12, 2019 9:55 p.m.

"I'll ruin your s--t": Chris Cuomo uses threatening language in argument with Trump supporter

N.S.: I rarely see him these days, but a few years ago, Chris Cuomo was so aggressive towards opponents that he seemed like a juicer suffering from 'roid rage.


Anonymous said...

He was called Fredo. As in the bumbling brother of the Godfather Michael Corleone.

Anonymous said...

"Ruin your sh*t."
How do you accomplish such an unsanitary task like "ruining someone's (or even your own)sh*t?Isn't sh*t unruinable--being the final by-product of digestion?I was baffled.
I had to consult the much respected and often used(lol) "Urban Dictionary" to clarify the meaning.
ruin your shit
v. To thoroughly demolish someone in a spectacularly gruesome way. "Ruining one's shit" goes far beyond simple pwning.
Pwning?What the HELL does THAT mean?
We must go back to the essential Bible of interpreting street lingo,once again for "pwning".
"misspelling of the word 'owning' as in 'owning someone in an argument',but even more so."
Did Don Lemon come up with that phrase for Cuomo(no way) or was it Van Jones writing Cuomo's material?
Something tells me,that the debate over who gets credit for making Cuomo sound black,will be an unsolved mystery--like Jeffrey Epstein's "demise",but with no one actually caring.