Friday, August 16, 2019

Emma Lazarus' Poem was Little Known until WWII

By "W"
Fri, Aug 16, 2019 1:46 p.m.

Emma Lazarus' poem was little known until WWII, by Steve Sailer - The Unz Review


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Rapefugee kidnaps woman in the progressive paradise of Portland OR and sexually assaults her. Local "news"paper the Oregonian must have decided they exceeded their quota of negro rape stories and didn't report it, 2 local TV stations do and the biweekly Pamplin media Tribune did also. Though the Tribune didn't post his photo, KPTV & KATU did.
The perps name is Amissi Hufu Mungomba, 21 and I really have no idea what his citizenship status is but with a name like that I think it's a pretty good bet he's a recent Soros gift to our country. His defense was that he knew the woman but the police said that was not the case. That's every negro's fantasy, the white bitch wanted it.

Anonymous said...

Give me your tired and poor,
those who yearn to breathe free
Just don't send me your gangs
Don't send them to me

Don't send me your misfits
or those who will flee
As we try to ID them
Don't send them to me

Don't send me your Muslims,
or commies by sea
keep home the drug dealers
Don't send them to me.

We don't want your killers
--you have to agree
Molesters and rapists
Don't send them to me

We've taken in millions,
The "Land of the Free"
Enough is enough,
Don't send them to me.