Saturday, April 13, 2019

Again: A U.S. Serviceman Fatally Stabbed a Japanese Woman and then Killed Himself in Okinawa on Saturday, amid Growing Resentment about the Presence of American Troops in the SW Japanese Region

By R.C.
Sat, Apr 13, 2019 12:24 p.m.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The resentment has been to the boiling point for decades because women have been harassed and assaulted by US soldiers since they've been posted there. I've been following the news reports of those assault for quite some time now and noticed that almost every sexual assault is perpetrated by a negro soldier. One case a few years ago was a black and white soldier but the white soldier did not actually participate in the actual rape, he was just too cowardly to stop it. I would imagine that there is a great deal of harassment of the local women by negro soldier, doing the same thing they do to white women on city streets in the US. If the military stopped posting black soldiers in Okinawa I'd be willing to be the resentment toward the US military would be considerably less, if it even existed at all, but it would be politically incorrect to even suggest that black soldiers commit most military sex crimes, so that very simple solution to the problem in Okinawa will never be implemented.
Of course then they would have to admit that it's a problem wherever negro soldiers are posted which they couldn't possibly do.
I'm just dashing this off and I can't recall the title, but there was a movie about a rape/murder perpetrated by US soldiers in Afghanistan but the filmmakers pulled the usual race switch game. The actual event involved negro soldiers as the main perpetrators but the movie made white soldiers the primary perps and had one negro one as sort of a passive participant. I'll see if I can track it down and post the title of the movie.

Anonymous said...

YEP. Identify of the serviceman not made. Probably in that case a negro. Negro military men have a bad habit of doing a lot of crime overseas. They just say in the media American serviceman did the crime. Etc. When they don't mention the race of the man you can bet we know what the race of the man is.

Anonymous said...

"The actual event involved negro soldiers as the main perpetrators but the movie made white soldiers the primary perps and had one negro one as sort of a passive participant."

As occurred in Iraq. Negro troops raped and murdered the Iraqi teen and her family. The ringleader was a whitey guy but he did not rape. Just came up with idea and led the others.


The Okis/Japs call the niggers 'cocojins'. Niggers are worthless rabid animals fit only for extermination.