Tuesday, February 03, 2015

A Tip to Gothamist: My New Policy on Re-Posting Material from, and Linking to the Leftwing Webzine

By Nicholas Stix

No more hyperlinking. If I re-post something from Gothamist, I won’t link back to the source.

I just tried to post a comment at a screed by a mook demanding that customers give fat tips to counter clerks at coffee shops, “Yes, You Must Tip A Dollar On Your Coffee” (see below), and got the following message:
× We are unable to post your comment because you have been blocked by Gothamist. Find out more.

It’s not the first time I’ve gotten that message, but I wanted to see if the permablock had been lifted. In the past, I followed their advice of writing them, to find out why they'd blocked me, but they ignored me.

I sought to post a response to an off-topic comment.
1bestdog to Gothampc

Not that I agree, but you do know Obama has deported more illegal immigrants than any previous President? Or are you one of those low information voters who vote Republican?

I responded,
The truth is the exact opposite. Obama has virtually stopped all deportations, even for murderers. He has counted non-deportations (e.g., turning back illegals at the border) as deportations.

You can curse all you want, and it’s o.k., but sounding like a conservative gets you the death penalty.

Some readers may think I should link to Gothamist, so they can post critical comments there. Anyone who wants to google the piece is welcome to do so, but his comments will not be permitted by the thread Nazis.

As far as I could determine, the last time Gothamist’s thread Nazis permitted me, or anyone right-of-Stalin to post comments was on March 3. That time, the thread looked completely different.

Netiquette requires mutuality, and when Gothamist showed some basic decency, I linked back to it. Now, all bets are off.
In case someone should say, ‘If you don’t like the place, just ignore it, and don’t re-post their stuff,” how does that benefit me? It benefits them to silence me, but my ignoring them does nothing for me.

There were a few decent comments, out of 484, at last count, but the thread is dominated by people who think customers are supposed to ensure that counter clerks doing menial labor make a “livable wage.” Other commenters typically support the surly clerks, but say that livable wage laws, or more generous bosses are the answer.
Marcos Hardy to FredFreddy

If you go to school, don't forget to tip the teachers. Don't they deserve it at least as much as the kid that pours you coffee. Oh! How about your doctor, and the bus driver, and the cashiers at the movie house and the baggers in the supermarket, and the tellers in the bank, and... and... Or is it pouring coffee a profession that makes it more "tippable?"
Behold Tip Nation! We'll make all those fighting against increasing minimal wage the heroes of America, and you'll tip, and tip big, to make that possible.

CanIbeFrank to brunostrange

In my state (Oregon), ALL employees, including wait staff, make at least the state minimum wage, which is about $9.25 I think. I rarely tip for counter service--not sure why I should. I don't tip my cashier at the grocery store or the guy helping me find a particular type of screw at Home Depot. Not sure why we're expected to tip someone to pour me a cup of coffee and put a muffin in a bag when their exact job is to pour coffee and put out pastries.

“If you go to the coffee shop with someone, and they don't tip, don't [engage in anal sex with] 'em!
(Scott Lynch)

Yes, You Must Tip A Dollar On Your Coffee
By Christopher Robbins
February 2, 2015 2:37 p.m.

Tipping one dollar on your cup of coffee does not make you a Hero [sic], it makes you a decent, thoughtful human being.

According to the headline in this New York Times story (thanks, Innovation Report), the option to tap in a $3.00 tip on a $4.00 coffee at Café Grumpy is an example of "tip creep," as service employees try and claw back the wages that their employers stubbornly refuse to collect from paying customers.

This is truly only "tip creep" if you've been an actual Tip Creep and have continued to refuse to tip $1.00 on your coffee and are therefore shocked that the kids in the aprons would deign to ask you for a fair wage for their work.

Tipping a dollar on each drink at the bar—more if you order The Proustian Mongoose (Highball)—and 20% in pretty much any other service situation, is mandatory—if we need iPad tricks or taxi touchscreen gimmicks to get this through our solipsistic skulls, so be it.

[Misuse of the word “solipsistic” has been one of the signatures of the semi-educated trying to sound erudite since at least the late 1990s. Apparently, “narcissistic” and “selfish” became too common.]

"Seems excessive," you say, blowing the GMO-free goats milk foam from your piping hot Frank Black. "It takes 5 seconds to pour a cup of coffee."

So maybe stay at home and pour it yourself?

To paraphrase John Waters, if you go to the coffee shop with someone, and they don't tip, don't f[--]k 'em!

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