Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Anti-White Woman Travels to Support Black Men in Haiti, Where She Gets Repeatedly Raped by One, Yet Blames White Men for the Crime


Amanda Kijera: I doubt the kids are hers. Kijera doesn't come off as the maternal type.

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

A tip ‘o the hate to my favorite blog, to David Icke's Official Forums, and to Robert Lindsay.

Although this racist rant was written four years ago, it has somehow gotten a new life.

A number of people have adjudged author Amanda Kijera, who purports to be an “anti-racist,” to be insane, and Michael Weiner, aka Michael Savage, contends that “liberalism is a mental illness,” but I respectfully disagree. First of all, one can be both crazy and evil. Secondly, though I can understand the “crazy” school, and lack a killer argument to bring against it, it just doesn’t work for me.

For one thing, a “liberal” can be perfectly sane regarding any number of issues. But if you’re insane, aren’t you supposed to be insane across the board? And being a socialist/communist/whatever involves consciously lying about any number of issues, and supporting evil (murder, among other things). Murder is evil, and supporting it short of being an accomplice to the act may not be the same as committing murder (moral evil), but it is intellectual evil. This Amanda Kijera person is allied with blacks in a genocidal war against her own race. That’s evil.

When Kijera says “you,” she is apparently addressing white men.

Countenance mentioned how feminists ignored the fact that black men had made a sport of raping white coeds, and then turned around and blamed it all on white men. The Duke Rape Hoax comes to mind.

Ultimately, whether they are motivated by madness or evil, people like Amanda Kijera are extremely dangerous.

We are not your weapons – we are women [Link no longer works.]
By Amanda Kijera
April 23, 2010

Two weeks ago, on a Monday morning, I started to write what I thought was a very clever editorial about violence against women in Haiti. The case, I believed, was being overstated by women’s organizations in need of additional resources. Ever committed to preserving the dignity of Black men in a world which constantly stereotypes them as violent savages, I viewed this writing as yet one more opportunity to fight “the man” on behalf of my brothers. That night, before I could finish the piece, I was held on a rooftop in Haiti and raped repeatedly by one of the very men who I had spent the bulk of my life advocating for.

[Strawman alert: The “world” does not “constantly stereotype[s] [black men] as violent savages,” but rather black men stereotype themselves as such, through their behavior. If anything, “the world,” meaning the ruling elites in entertainment, the so-called news, advertising, the non-profit world, etc., stereotypes white men in such a fashion.]

It hurt. The experience was almost more than I could bear. I begged him to stop. Afraid he would kill me, I pleaded with him to honor my commitment to Haiti, to him as a brother in the mutual struggle for an end to our common oppression, but to no avail. He didn’t care that I was a Malcolm X scholar. He told me to shut up, and then slapped me in the face. Overpowered, I gave up fighting halfway through the night.

[Remember what Malcolm Little/X/Shabazz told a white Columbia coed who wanted to know what she could do to help blacks? “Nothing.” Kijera doesn’t sound like much of a scholar.]

I went to Haiti after the earthquake to empower Haitians to self-sufficiency. [Impossible.] I went to remind them of the many great contributions that Afro-descendants have made to this world, and of their amazing resilience and strength as a people. [What “many great contributions,” “resilience,” and “strength”?] Not once did I envision myself becoming a receptacle for a Black [sic] man’s [sperm and racism] rage at the white world, but that is what I became. While I take issue with my brother’s [?!] behavior, I’m grateful [?!] for the experience. It woke me up, made me understand on a deeper level the terror that my sisters [?] deal with daily. This in hand, I feel comfortable in speaking for Haitian women, and for myself, in saying that we will not be your pawns, racially, politically, economically or otherwise.

[Who is “you”? Apparently, she is not addressing racist, Haitian rapists, but white men.]

We are women, not weapons of war. Thankfully, there are organizations here in Haiti who continues [sic] to fight for women’s human rights like, MADRE, SOFA and Enfofanm.

Rather than allowing myself to be used [by whom?] in such a fashion, and as opposed to submitting to the frustration and bitterness that can be born of such an experience, I choose to continue to love [blacks and hate whites] and educate instead. My brothers [she deludes herself that black men are her brothers] can be sensitized [a white, lefty notion, completely out of place in a third-world hellhole like Haiti!] to women’s realities in Haiti and the world over if these are presented to them by using their own clashes with racism and oppression as a starting point.

[What “clashes with racism and oppression”? Haitians’ encounters with whites consist of them exploiting whites, either as benefactors or rape toys. Their clashes with “oppression” are entirely with black oppressors.]

They must be made to understand the dangerous likelihood of the oppressed becoming the oppressor if no shift in consciousnesses [i.e., indoctrinated with Marxist propaganda] takes place and if no end to the cycle of trauma occurs. I intend to see that it does…by continuing to live and work fearlessly with justice in mind, through the creation of a safe space for women in Haiti and by creating programming for Haitian men that considers their needs, too. Weapons annihilate, dialogue bears fruit.

[“Programming”; yeah, that’s the word, alright. As for “dialogue,” well, we know what that means to a communist. Anyone who refers to herself as “fearless” is full of crap. We all have fears, though they differ from one man to the next.]

It’s the fruit I’m interested in now, no matter how strange or bruised it might appear.


Anonymous said...

There are very few black women in this country so deluded as White women are, nor are black men in this country so deluded as White women. Most blacks couldn't show you Haiti on a map nor Africa for that matter much less go there. Liberalism is a disease.

Chicago guy said...

She's just a white man's reject. Her politics are really an outgrowth of her personal psychology. She wants to blame white men for everything because she doesn't like them. She hates them because none of the caliber of man that she felt entitled to have as a suitor would deign to consider her a worthy partner. In her mind she's a princess deserving to be worshipped by a prince charming. When that didn't happen but could only attract the interest of third or fourth tier guys (nothing wrong with that, by the way), she turned on white men in general. Could any guy even imagine living with such a neurotic, shrill person? Yuckko. She'll probably continue her career trying to 'rescue' black men. Or perhaps just buy some dogs to devote herself to and call it a day.

Anonymous said...

This woman will be very lucky if she does not end up with HIV or AIDS. That population of Haiti a very large percentage of the men and women both have HIV and AIDS.

Anonymous said...

Haiti without a doubt worse place in the world. Utter and endless hopelessness.

They need to move the population off the half of the island that is Haiti, replant the place and wait 500 years or more before they resettle.

Anonymous said...

Whitey women going to any of those Caribbean nations become a target.

Some actually seek out the night life of the islanders and get more than they wish they had ever experienced.

Same thing with these young whitey women that go on these cruise line ships too. End up naked in bed after being drugged and raped by a crew member. American young women are seen as sluts and make for good targets.

Anonymous said...

A Malcolm Little [X] scholar?

What could that possibly be?

The PDK Herald/Crier Project said...

Obviously she is a white liberal.

Her failure to mature or transcend her insanity will never allow her to see the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the whole truth.

She turns her back on her own kind, she is an apostate!

She embraces those of another kind, she is a traitor!

Undoubtedly she thinks the white man is evil, the blue eyed devil, who wrongly headhunted to hold down and persecute to crucify the poor lowly negro.

Undoubtedly she does not realize the negro has a physically smaller, lower IQed cerebrum than do whites, and has no one to blame but himself and his gene pool for his ubiquitous, lowest man on the totem pole status.

She undoubtedly denies herself the truth of the negro and STDs. It is possible her negro buck raper has infected her with a life taking illness, perhaps aids.

She undoubtedly disallows herself from seeing her possible mulattoed offspring will be mildly retarded by white standards.

However, by embracing the white liberal ideology/illusion, she does not have to mature. She can be the very selfish coward she is and not have wear the opprobrium and shame. She further can then experience the honor of noble courage and self-righteousness.

She pretends she is the exemplar of Godly, Jesus type humanity, but she in reality is of the devils brood, immature and insane, and is the shepherd herding her own white race towards extinction.

Should she have mulattoed children, their negro half will jump for joy with a more powerful cerebrum, while their white half will wonder why their mother did that to them.

But what does she care, she is a liberal, and being a liberal means never having to pay your own debts.

From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.

Elliot Foley said...

If anyone ever asks what the Eloi Tax is, refer them to this woman's writing.

It's just so hard for me to believe that someone can be this far gone from reality.

Stan D Mute said...

This one I think is well and truly cracked. There may be some evil in her, but she's also insane. And with that going for her, she ought to get into politics! Maybe if John Boner runs for President she could be his running mate? She's almost exactly like Paul Ryan. I don't know if she's got enough evil (despite her African friend trying to inject her with some) to be a good democrat.

Anonymous said...

Just because she did not want to ride your ugly pastey dick does not mean she is anti-white. You are just jealous people. You wish that you could have this beautiful woman.