Saturday, March 02, 2024

Did chicago cop seeking to change his race just inadvertently throw a legal lifesaver to hundreds of White cops?

[“race-affirming care now! lawsuit reveals something the chicago pd would rather not be revealed.”]

By Nicholas Stix
March 2, 2024

This mook is inadvertently throwing a legal lifesaver to every White cop who had passed the promotional exam, but was refused a promotion. He didn’t just state that black cops who failed the exam are routinely promoted, but even black coppers with lousy discipline records, which would probably get White coppers cashiered.

By Almost Missouri

Agreed. This is one of those out-of-left-field cases that has the potential for legal revolution.

First, race-based promotions shouldn’t be happening at all post-Students v. Harvard, so good on him for pointing that out. Of course, a Biden (or any Dem) DoJ will never enforce it, but this private action may have an effect. So there is once again the question of if racial discrimination is allowed under any circumstances.

But irrespective of that question or its answer, there is the more novel question that is potentially more upending of the liberal order: the question of identifying and changing races. Steve [Sailer] has observed how the left’s whole de facto racial caste system depends on whites good-naturedly reporting their race. The whole thing is a delicately counterpoised balance because the law keeps saying there should be no racial caste system, while the left keeps saying that race doesn’t exist while simultaneously demanding and enforcing a racial caste system anyway, while whites keep cooperating in this manifestly absurd and disadvantageous state of affairs.

Now Mohammad Yusuf (PBUH) and his lawsuit are like a bull in this delicately arranged china shop: no matter which way he turns, something’s gonna break. Examining “the purported race-neutral policy of the Merit System”? Nooooooo! [Sounds of china and glass shattering.] Americans submitting to genetic tests for career advancement? Nooooooo! [Sounds of china and glass shattering.] Transitioning gender is real but transitioning race is not? Nooooooo! [Sounds of china and glass shattering.]

The “logic” of the [anti-]Civil Rights Revolution has been that the government must enforce ever more radical forms of equalism. Nobody drafting the 1964 Acts thought that homosexuals should be marrying each other and adopting children. Yet here we are.If you take the first step, you will take the last! Now we’ve had World War T, the left’s tragically successful campaign to demolish the manifestly real category of sex (“gender”). The left simultaneously denies that race is a real category, yet insists on maintaining racial distinctions. Mohammad “the Bull” Yusuf has a clear run right through this badly arranged china cabinet. If the easily discerned and biologically valid category of sex can’t be maintained, how can the vaguer and mushier category of race be? The short answer is, it can’t.

Will Mohammad go the distance? We’ll see.


Anonymous said...

Equalism is earned and if based on using their own "skills",blacks can't achieve it.


Anonymous said...

I know a smart Chinese kid who talks about claiming to be black. Asians know that affirmative action reduces the number of Whites and Asians in order to increase the numbers of Blacks and Hispanics in colleges. It used to be important to be bright--now it is more important to be dark.