Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Washington post’s big lie campaign against the President

By Nicholas Stix

The Washington post continues its big lie campaign against the President, but with a much wordier version.

For eight years, the Washington post has pursued a big lie campaign against the President, going back to when he was the upstart candidate whom the communists/racial socialists of the msm liked to laugh about.

It’s always been the same big lie: Trump is Hitler. The President’s totalitarian, democrat enemies at the Wp also like to say, “Trump is a narcissist,” “Trump is a fascist,” and “Trump is a dictator,” but they are just repeating, “Trump is Hitler,” in different words. It’s baby talk, but it’s still a moronic lie. If the lies were true, the President could not have been removed from the White House via the big steal.

“America” is a totalitarian dictatorship under the democrat party. The President had nothing to do with that. The democrats simply project everything bad they’ve been doing onto him.

However, while the Wp’s basic big lie is “Trump is Hitler,” its editors like to tear history to shreds, in pursuing their strategy. In 2016, a Wp operative, Rick Noack, retailed a historical fairy tale, whereby candidate Trump’s mention of the media as “the lying press” was a Nazi-era phrase, even though Noack also claimed “the term was coined by Reinhold Anton in 1914.” However, Noack asserted, wildly, that the phrase was integral to the Nazis murdering millions of people.

“until today, the word has an anti-Semitic [liar] connotation, and it implies hatred not only against journalists but against everyone who opposes the ‘will of the people’ [liar]. that abstract [?] concept emerged during world war ii when Hitler sought to propagate the idea that germans were a ‘master race’ superior to all others, especially Jews and slavic people. “the consequences of that rhetoric — of which the term ‘Lügenpresse’ was an important component under propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels — were horrifying. millions of people were killed in concentration camps by the nazis, including Jews, political opponents and homosexuals.”

[“the ugly history of ‘Lügenpresse,’ a nazi slur shouted at a Trump rally,” washington post, october 16, 2016.]

So, if you say, “Lügenpresse”/“lying press,” you’re a Nazi!

Aside from the dishonesty of saying, “If you say, x, you’re a Nazi,” there’s the pathetic abuse of history by Rick Noack and his editors. The phrase, “Lügenpresse”/“lying press,” was not a Nazi-era phrase. It was coined circa 1848, during a failed revolution in Prussia (at that point there was not yet any Germany, which wouldn’t be founded until 1871, after the 1869 Franco-Prussian War, which the Prussians won).

The earliest reference I could find to the modern misrepresentation of “Lügenpresse”/“lying press,” was by a pc german professorial commission, which Reuters operative Erik Kirschbaum wrote on in early 2015.

[“revived Nazi-era term ‘Luegenpresse’ is german non-word of year,” by Erik Kirschbaum, Reuters, january 13, 2015.]

The lie was then repeated by the wp’s Noack.

Comes Robert Kagan, a notorious war-monger, who has been married for many years to Victoria Nuland, who likewise never met a war involving the U.S. she didn’t like. Nuland was recently pushed out of the state department.

These people are what is known as foreign policy “experts.”

In blah-blah-blah mode for an excruciating 3,864 words, Robert Kagan rehashes the usual big lie: “Trump is Hitler/a fascist/narcissist/a dictator,” etc. What he buries within his endless verbiage (much of it about the America First movement before we entered world war ii, and smearing col. Charles "Lucky Lindy" Lindbergh) is his “Trump” card: That America has a sacred obligation to the ukraine under “article 5,” and that a failure to honor said obligation would cause the collapse of all American foreign relations.

The obligation Robert Kagan cited is imaginary; it doesn’t exist.

Even nato now tries to act as if it existed. Its entry on “article 5” has been amended since the russian invasion of the ukraine: “NATO has taken collective defence measures on several occasions, including in response to the situation in Syria and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.”

Here’s the real Article 5:

“Collective defence means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies.”

That’s it.

The ukraine is not, and never has been a member of nato. Thus, it has never been an “Ally” under article 5. And that is Robert Kagan’s specific big lie.

When the russians invaded the ukraine on february 24, 2022, I felt bad for the ukrainians, and I still do. But in what has turned into the biggest money-laundering operation in the history of the world, fake president/real gangster Joe Biden (“the big guy gets ten percent”) has surely stolen tens of billions of dollars from the American people, while ukrainian dictator Zelensky has surely stolen much more than that from the American people, with most of the rest going to munitions manufacturers.

And on top of such blood-soaked thievery, all Robert Kagan and his wp editors can do is butcher history and defame their opponents as nazis?

Apparently, the case for U.S. support of the ukraine was even weaker than I thought.


Anonymous said...

As a true dictator,I expect Mr.Trump to put these pyscho-liars out of business in his next term.He didn't do it in his first term,so how much of a dictator could he be?

I must be pro-dictator--I'm 100% in favor of WAPO getting the plug pulled--pronto.


Anonymous said...


(Zh)In a ludicrous paranoid segment on PBS NewsHour this week, the network’s White House correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez claimed that Donald Trump is not only planning to roll back “civil rights,” but also to “purge” LGBT people from the country.

Barron-Lopez and anchor William Brangham made the assertions while discussing Trump’s real criticism of transgender surgery and hormone therapy being carried out on children, and biological men competing in women’s sports.

“On the campaign trail, Trump has been talking about what he plans to do if elected in November, and that includes rolling back the rights of millions of LGBTQ people. It’s part of a wider playbook to undo many modern civil rights advances for minority groups,” Brangham asserted.

He then introduced Barron-Lopez, who claimed Trump “plans quick action if elected,” against LGBT people.

She then suggested that Trump and “roughly 100 right-wing organisations led by the Heritage Foundation,” have a secret plan to wipe out LGBTQ people… or something.

What does the dastardly plan consist of? Eliminating DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) from government mandates and banning federal funding for teaching Critical Race Theory.

OK, those things are not civil rights. If anything they are in direct opposition to civil rights because they discriminate based on skin colour.

Barron-Lopez, who is also a CNN political analyst, then complained that Trump will “rescind health-care protections for transgender people and urge Congress to define gender as male and female, fixed at birth.”

Without any actual explanation or evidence she further asserted that “this plan also is trying to stop any and all acknowledgement of an acceptance of gender identity."

GRA:I hope so,insanity should not be encouraged.


Anonymous said...

“Trump is a narcissist,” “Trump is a fascist,” and “Trump is a dictator,” but they are just repeating, “Trump is Hitler,”

They were talking that way even before Don the nomination.