Saturday, March 02, 2024

The rage of a criminal accessory: racist, fake professor and his fake journalist partner seek to accelerate the White Holocaust

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, march 2, 2024 at 10:30:00 a.m. est

White Rural Rage: the threat to American democracy by Tom Schaller/reviewed by Matt Taibbi.

GRA: Another anti-White tome, promoted by the msm press, which accuses Whites of, “being anti-free press, xenophobic, racist, anti-immigrant and anti-gay.”

[N.S.: But Whites are the least anti-free press, xenophobic, racist, etc. It’s blacks who are all those things.]

That’s all right, Schaller and the entirety of the msm are anti-White, as is the democratic party.

Taibbi regretted wasting his time reading the thing—it was so filled with lies. I haven’t checked to see if Schaller is black, I’ll get back with that info.


By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, march 2, 2024 at 10:34:00 a.m. est

He’s a white “professor of political science and former columnist at the baltimore sun.”

I lower key “White” in his dishonor.


N.S.: I’m surprised he doesn’t still have his columnist gig.

My experience as an adjunct lecturer in nyc and new jersey is that tenured professors must do so little work that they could do any number of additional jobs without breaking a sweat.

For generations, tenured profs in four-year colleges in the cuny system have had to teach only six classes per year, while their counterparts in the suny four-year system (I attended both, and taught in the cuny and nj system, from 1992-1998), at least at the university campuses, like my undergrad alma mater, stony brook, only have to teach five courses per year. Plus, at four-year schools they all have graduate teaching assistants, and many just blow the dust off and reuse their old lecture notes, or just ramble on, attacking Whites, without doing any class preparation.

As an adjunct, while teaching private classes in English as a Second Language, I used to teach more classes sometimes per semester, and for every hour I taught, I had to put in three hours of preparation! And yet, when I attended a talk by then cuny board of trustees member Herman Badillo on reforming cuny remediation, circa september, 1996, at the John Jay college of criminal justice (cop college) in manhattan, only two active cuny professors attended, and six people in all, not counting Badillo and the two organizers. It was held in a huge auditorium, with chairs set up for a good 200 listeners, but the organizers didn’t publicize it. I only heard about it, if memory serves, from one of the organizers, Richard Valcourt, who was then my literary agent.

When Badillo asked the tenured professors to research their respective campuses, a lady philosophy professor in her mid-40s complained, “Our students don’t like being criticized,” and “What with committee work, people are developing heart conditions!”

(Badillo had no interest in adjuncts researching their schools, even though they were the only people who would have helped him. Mayor Rudy Giuliani later appointed Badillo chairman of the cuny board of trustees, in order to give him a political base so he could revive his political career, but he fumbled the ball. Badillo had been an ethnic politician, a reconquista, as the first puerto rican bronx borough president, first puerto rican congressman, and first first puerto rican deputy mayor when he lived in the bronx in the 1960s and ‘70s, and sponsored the 1968 bilingual education bill, which Lyndon Johnson signed into law, and wrote the 1974 re-authorization bill, which President Richard Nixon foolishly signed into law. However, when first Jewish, upper west side socialists and later black supremacists, refused to hand him the mayoralty on a silver platter, he cried “racism!,” though he was no less racist than they were. So, he became a highly-paid lobbyist, and drifted over to neo-conservatism. Neo-conservative financiers who couldn’t get a candidate elected dog catcher loved him, but he became an ethnic politician without an ethnic constituency. In the course of seven failed mayoral candidacies—kindly press operatives “forgot” three of his runs—Badillo became new york’s Harold Stassen.)

This was nonsense on stilts because, as I noted before, this female and her colleagues had nothing but time on their hands, but also because when tenured faculty did do-nothing committee “service” they got credit for it as teaching “equivalents,” and had to teach even less.

I referred to Tom Schaller as “a criminal accessory,” because he doubtless considers himself “an ally,” but bad as it is, that’s still too weak a term. “Allies” get up in the morning and, like black supremacists, hispanic supremacists, militant homosexualists, now even even some east asians, etc., look to harm normal, law-abiding White men (and increasingly women), in any way they can. That involves crimes such as swearing out false police reports, in which they assert that a White crime victim was the actual perpetrator, or joining in on a racist, hate crime attack against a White victim defending himself. I have experienced both (in 1999 and 2015).

For generations, new york city district attorney’s offices and the nycpd have increasingly been lousy with criminal accessories.


Anonymous said...

White Appalachians in particular most despised. And those from West Virginia hated most.

Anonymous said...

It looks like both Schaller and Waldman are not at all black--they appear to be urban leftist Jews who hate White, Christian, and rural patriots. These fat, sneering, pompous, lying parasites no doubt think they are superior to those who work hard to feed the country. It is leftist DemonRats who are antidemocratic--they steal elections and use lawfare to deny ballot choice and prosecute those with different opinions.

Anonymous said...

The thing that disgusts me is that there are 3 Whites on the show and all of them denigrate Whites at every turn.

Notice,however,they DO NOT count themselves in the group of Whites they insult and disparage.Nooo,these Whites only speak of "rural Whites".The authors and Mika are enlightened,highly educated,city slickers(they think).

First of all,rural Whites are not the only Whites who oppose insanity(the overarching description I'll give to blm a** kissing,border invading,commie garbage,gay pushing etc),no,many URBAN Whites,who are stuck living near blacks,commies,spics and queers think JUST LIKE their rural White brethren do--they HATE ALL OF IT.

Like any sensible person would and should.