Friday, March 24, 2023

The Legacy of Slavery Emancipation

By N.S.

In his most recent Taki’s Magazine column, my old VDARE colleague, Steve Sailer, writes:

If the IQs of self-identifying African-Americans don’t vary by fraction of white admixture in their DNA, then that would suggest that it isn’t genetics that is responsible for the IQ gap but instead social constructionism: the act of ascribing African-American identity to them.

Not surprisingly, scientists have tried to carry out this key test quite a few times going back to 1934. For example, writing in The New York Times in 2009, Jim Holt confidently asserted in a review of U. of Michigan psychologist Richard E. Nisbett’s book Intelligence and How to Get It, which attempts to debunk The Bell Curve:

“Among his more direct evidence, Nisbett cites impressive studies in population genetics. African-Americans have on average about 20 percent European genes, largely as a legacy of slavery.”
The second clause of the last sentence is false. It should read ‘largely as a legacy of emancipation.’

Nisbett/Holt were confidently citing the scholarship of blaxploitation movies, not to mention blaxploitation “scholars.”

According to the late historian Eugene Genovese (in Roll on, Jordan?), White-black racial admixture largely occurred when black females worked as prostitutes after the Civil War, serving a largely White clientele. However, I would add another major factor: black-on-White rape.

Note, however, that according to legendary black journalist-civil rights activist Ida B. Wells-Barnett (who has her own postage stamp, so her authority is unassailable), no black man ever raped a White woman. The White hussies threw themselves at irresistible black men, and only cried “Rape!,” when they got caught in flagrante.


Anonymous said...

Ida B Wells can't be her real name--Ida B. in Denial,Ida B.Lying,Ida B.Foolin' No One--HAVE to be more reasonable names.Ida B.Crazy also works.


Anonymous said...

Should have picked our own cotton, but that is way too late now

No slavery in America the alternative American history says that if no slavery in America economic development in the south would have proceeded in a slower pace Florida would not have been fully settled until 1950s other than that not a whole lot of difference