Wednesday, March 01, 2023

state of oregon proposes additional, new, monthly colored muggers’ subsidy, in order to encourage renewed growth of criminals!

[Re: “On the ongoing destruction of portland, oregon.”]

By Jerry PDX
tuesday, february 28, 2023 at 12:19:00 a.m. est

Not long after sending this pdx comment, I spotted this in the news:

This is a state bill, not just a city one, but portland will be the area primarily affected. I pointed out that the city of portland makes life easy for homeless but now they want to make it even easier by paying them a cool grand a month.

From the article:

“if passed a proposed bill in oregon would introduce the first statewide basic universal income pilot program by giving $1,000 a month to people who are homeless and/or low-income. senate bill 603 would appropriate $ 25 million from the state’s general fund to create the people’s housing assistance fund demonstration program, administered by the department of human services.”

[Jerry PDX: The “people’s” housing assistance fund? Why not just rename the state the people’s republic of oregon?]

“the $1,000 payments could be used however recipients choose, but proponents say they expect the majority of the money to be used on rent, emergency expenses, food, childcare, or other goods/services the recipient wants.

[Jerry PDX: Since the majority of homeless deal with addictions of some kind, I would expect the money to go to their priorities in life, namely their addictions.]

“proponents cite a recent Sandford study that analyzes data collected from 20 basic income pilot programs run in cities throughout the u.s. the research [N.S.: “research”?! Ha, ha, ha!] found that most recipients of basic income were people of color and single [unwed] mothers and that most of the money was spent on housing and basic needs.

[Jerry PDX: Aha! More money out of White people’s pockets and into the pockets of lazy blacks and hispanics.]

“‘I think the end game is to really create a permanent program,” said Rebekah Markillie a member of roc [?].”

[Jerry PDX: Yup, there is no intention to end homelessness but to create a permanent welfare program that will subsidize and enable homelessness while taking money from hard-working, law-abiding Whites.]

“though all testimony at the public hearing was in favor of the bill testimony submitted in writing as of monday evening, was primarily opposing the measure. ‘I just see this as another giveaway and if they are addicted to drugs or alcohol I believe that is where the money will get spent,’ said Kathy Coehlo.”

[Jerry PDX: Didn’t I point that out already? But yeah, finally a bit of rationality. N.S.: People didn’t testify publicly against the bill, because they were justifiably afraid that cut-throats, er, I mean, advocates would follow them home and rape, torture, and murder them.]

“a similar program was rolled out in vancouver b.c. in canada in 2018, with homeless participants receiving $7500 each. the ‘new leaf project’ report found that the program had definite success rates in participants moving into stable housing, and even utilizing the cash for savings.

[Jerry PDX: What percentage of participants did what they claim? I’d think if it was a high percentage they’d put that in the article. The fact that they didn’t makes me suspicious. For all we know, it was 1%, while the rest did what you would expect, blew it all on drugs and alcohol.

Kotek is probably having wet dreams about this, along with the portland city council. Nothing they love more than stealing money from those affluent, privileged, White people and giving it to blacks and other useless eaters.


Anonymous said...

Why does the headline say "State of Washington" when the article talks about Oregon--and the effect on Portland? Oregon and Washington are different states and the communist city of Seattle is in Washington while the communist city of Portland is in Oregon. Both are bad, maybe Portland is a bit worse.

Nicholas said...

Thanks for the correction. Portland and Seattle are so far away, and I'm so near-sighted that, without my cheaters on, they both look the same to me!

Anonymous said...

>state of oregon proposes ...

The state of Oregon is a legal entity and has no agency.

So actually, the state of Oregon isn't proposing anything -- a particular bill sponsored by a particular person and introduced in the Oregon legislature contains the proposal described here.

So who introduced the bill?

I can tell you b/c I saw this some days ago and looked it up:

Her name is Wlnsvey Campos (not sure how you pronounce that), and she is known as the youngest person ever elected to the OR senate:

Another article about the bill (for anyone interested):

It contains a link to a page w/ info on the bill:

>SB603 - Relating to income supports for low-income individuals; declaring an emergency.
>Sponsors (2) - Wlnsvey Campos (D)*, Khanh Pham (D)

The co-sponsor is also a woman:

So the bill is sponsored by a Hispanic woman and an Asian woman.

It is no surprise the sponsors are women -- female empathy is one reason you don't want women as decision-makers.

It is also not a big surprise that the sponsors are non-white.

Were this bill to pass, it would also not be a surprise if non-whites benefited disproportionately from it ('money out of White people’s pockets and into the pockets of lazy blacks and hispanics'), since they have lower SES generally.

Anonymous said...

Money if ever given will just be spent on drugs and booze.

Anonymous said...

Probably not unrelated:

‘Greater Idaho’ movement to absorb rural counties from Oregon gains momentum

Oregon has a very bad urban/suburban vs rural divide (blue vs red) -- unfortunately the rural areas (red) lack the population density to have much influence on federal and statewide elections.

Anonymous said...

>you don't want women as decision-makers

Another prime example:

Why is a woman who once worked for the Innocence Project now working as a prosecutor? -- or non-prosecutor -- especially in a high crime area like NO?

Why doesn't he fire her?

"DA Jason Williams issues strong rebuke of his deputy's decision to refuse gun charges"

'high crime'

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx

"You don't want women as decision makers"


Woke men are bad enough...Woke women are worse...