Saturday, March 04, 2023

sf council member wants to increase reparations from $5 million per black person to $500 million per black person

By Merlin
sat, mar 4, 2023 3:40 p.m.

sf council member wants to increase reparations from $5 million per black person to $500 million per black person

a black family of four would receive $2 billion under that proposal. I wonder where they will find the money? Since the california state budget is $229 billion, that means the golden state could either pay 458 black people reparations or fire every employee and end every other state expenditure. How do these idiots get placed into positions of authority in blue states?  Are they grown on a farm?

On a broader level, the usa is one of the most debt-ridden nations in the world, as you can here in the 

list of the "10 worst" .......the usa is #6 of 228 countries. How can the richest country in the world 

be #6 worst? democrats (who spend a lot of money buying votes through giveaway programs, 

we're running out of that money.  Then what will they do to stay in power? The fbi/doj/cia will keep them in biz. They have already started putting hundreds of opponents of the regime in prison, and they are just getting started. They are looking at the soviet union and the ccp for inspiration.

worst country debt.JPG

san francisco reparations committee member recommends $500 million payment per person

Pro-reparations protesters
March 3, 2023

A member of san francisco's race reparations task force suggested friday that the city should pay $500 million per person to black residents, 100 times more than the $5 million figure his committee originally proposed.


Anonymous said...

Liberals,blacks,antifa and commies must not know,if you add zeroes after a number,it increases exponentially the amount of the first number.

Commie college must not teach them that.


Anonymous said...

>we're running out of that money

The US is a monetarily sovereign country with its own currency, which it can create as much of as it wants -- so it's impossible to 'run out of money', as the yearly deficits of the federal government show: they ALWAYS have access to as much money as they want to spend.

It's a question of dollar purchasing power, and so far, due its dominant position as a currency for international settlement, despite the massive number of dollars created over the last few years the dollar has held its value fairly well, at least when measured by exchange rates vs other currencies.

Hopefully for many Whites this reparations bullshit will be the straw that puts an end to their racial fence-sitting.

Anonymous said...

They're all black.

The state reparations task force includes a token Asian, a Japanese male, probably due to the WWII internment of Japanese:

All of this is largely based on the denial of racial differences:

["There wasn't a math formula," McDonnell told the Post. "It was a journey for the committee towards what could represent a significant enough investment in families to put them on this path to economic well-being, growth, and vitality that chattel slavery and all the policies that flowed from it destroyed."]

You are supposed to believe that 19th century 'chattel slavery' is the reason Blacks have low SES today.

But many Vietnamese came to Calif with literally nothing in the 1970s, and have done fairly well -- the average Vietnamese in Calif probably has higher SES than the average Black.

Anonymous said...


And the money if given would be spent on frivolity anyhow. Drugs, gambling, smokes, drink. The colored just have so many bad pathologies.

Anonymous said...

You know eahilf,when you play the game of uppercasing "black",it looks as though you agree that blacks should symbolically,at least,be treated as superior to Whites.You KNOW which media entities are pro-black,by this feature alone.


Anonymous said...

A few decades ago a young Vietnamese woman used to stop by my desk at work to chat. Although they were refugees, she and her husband had immediately each gone to a community college and earned a technical degree. They already owned a house. Myself, a single guy still lived in a rented apartment. She told me that she had wanted to flee to France from Vietnam, but her brother said that French were snobs who judged people by their clothes and they would do better in America. I thought that this was the way things were supposed to work.

Bradley Morris said...

I'm definitely moving to San Francisco soon, where I'll identify as black.