Thursday, March 09, 2023

gang leader convicted of murdering woman over fender-bender

By R.C.
thu, mar 9, 2023 10:16 p.m. "after that exchange, the 14-year-old stepped out of the car with the AR-15-style rifle and fired eight shots into Cabriales' suv, striking the woman in the head, testimony revealed. she died several days later.


Anonymous said...

"a family member of his in the gallery had to be escorted from the courtroom after an outburst in which he threatened jurors, hit his head on the wall, cursed and screamed in apparent agony."

East Side Crips. Negroes.

Negro outbursts at sentencing are always extreme. Extra security in the courtroom needed when a negro sentenced.

Anonymous said...


GRA:"black law" continues to slowly pervade the big cities and replace previous anti-crime policy.

(ZH)Democrats in Baltimore, Maryland have introduced a bill that would prevent anyone under the age of 25 from facing first-degree murder charges in certain circumstances.

The legislation, House Bill 1180, was introduced by Democratic Delegate Charlotte Crutchfield, who hilariously calls it the 'Youth Accountability and Safety Act.'

The bill, which is working its way through the House, has faced significant pushback from conservatives.

"It would be absolutely outrageous and result in more crime," said law enforcement expert Maury Richards, former Chief of Police of Martinsburg, West Virginia, Fox5 Baltimore reports. "Last year, with Senator Carter's Juvenile Justice Reform Act, it really opened the floodgates. There is a crime wave of violence going on right now, but instead of the legislator debating to rescind that, we're hung up on whether 25-year-olds should be charged with murder."

State GOP Senator William Folden of Frederick County has called the bill "irresponsible" in its approach.

"They know the difference between right and wrong. They're just not being held accountable and they don't care about right or wrong," said Folden.

And according to GOP Delegate Susan McComas of Hartford County, "This bill is the definition of insanity. We are going to legalize murder as long as people are under 25. Outrageous."

GRA:Attempting to transition to no law enforcement--or only against Whites.It won't happen overnight,but you can see the same breakdown of how people view these issues as there was with negro voting,homo marriage and abortion.The commies keep whittling away at the pillars of a great country.


Anonymous said...

Those people for some reason always seem to have a better motor vehicle than I have.

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