Tuesday, March 07, 2023

UPDATE: Americo Villarreal, governor of tamaulipas, says the four Americans who were kidnapped friday were taken to different areas to make their rescue more difficult

By A Texas Reader
tue, mar 7, 2023 10:35 p.m.

UPDATE: Americo Villarreal, governor of tamaulipas, says the four Americans who were kidnapped friday were taken to different areas to make their rescue more difficult



Anonymous said...

Holt had this as the lead story on "Negro Nightly News".Four blacks traveled to Mexico and GOT what they usually do to Whites in the states.Carjack,shoot,kill.

"Enjoy your stay,amigos."


Anonymous said...


Nothing says America like 4 underclass Blacks who (reportedly) went to Mexico for cheap plastic surgery -- I guess there's no right to that in the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Blacks traveling to Mex for whatever reason placing themselves in great danger. Generally the Mex dislike blacks more than they dislike whitey.

Tummy tuck surgery I bet a story. Drug deal more likely.

Anonymous said...

"Holt had this as the lead story on "Negro Nightly News"

Lester must have been nearly in tears. Lead story? The world threatened by atomic war and the lead story four negroes attacked in Mex.

My thought was when they say "Americans" these were ethnic Mexicans born USA citizens. But I am wrong.