Thursday, March 09, 2023

demographic COLLAPSE occurring in england, as covid depopulation jabs kick in

By R.C.
thu, mar 9, 2023 8:45 p.m.

demographic COLLAPSE occurring in england, as covid depopulation jabs kick in

"the united kingdom's health security agency (ukhsa) has finally updated the "vaccination in pregnancy" dataset in its "covid-19 vaccine surveillance report," showing that the birth rate in england plummeted by 11.9 percent in 2022. for more than six months, said data was...

The Amish will inherit the earth.

German Army Parade (1938) | British Pathé

This segment from Pathé Gazette shows the German army marching past the Regent of Hungary, Admiral Horthy, in 1938 as the crowds give them a Nazi salute. Explore our online channel for full documentaries, fascinating interviews & classic movies: #BritishPathé # ...

"Berlin, Germany.

"Various shots of German troops marching (goose-stepping) past Governor Admiral Horthy, Regent of Hungary in a huge military parade. German children watching in the crowds make the Nazi salute. Soldiers on horseback, large artillery guns and army tanks also take part in the parade.

"Commentator talks of the new field gun with a barrel forty feet long that appeared for the first time here - 'Cameramen were forbidden to photograph it... on pain of being charged with treason. No cameraman did photograph it - cameramen prefer to keep their heads!'"


"Before television, people came to movie theatres to watch the news. British Pathé was at the forefront of cinematic journalism, blending information with entertainment to popular effect. Over the course of a century, it documented everything from major armed conflicts and seismic political crises to the curious hobbies and eccentric lives of ordinary people. If it happened, British Pathé filmed it.

"Now considered to be the finest newsreel archive in the world, British Pathé is a treasure trove of 85,000 films unrivalled in their historical and cultural significance.

"British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website."

N.S.: At some point, while removing "fruit salad" code, I lost this newsreel. So, I hit the link, which brought me to a youtube page saying, "NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE." I then did a copy-and-paste in my browser of the url, and was delivered to the british pathe newsreel at youtube.

My conclusion: This was not a technical snafu, but human mischief at work. Corporations like google, amazon, etc. commit all sorts of evil as a matter of policy, but their staffers also engage in all sorts of mischief on their own. I've been on the Web via my own pc since early January, 2000, and began experiencing such mischief from the amazon politburo almost immediately.


Anonymous said...

I'd hazard a guess and say,"it applies to only Whites"--the Muslims and blacks are probably up no matter what.

--G R A

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
What's the birthrate for alien invaders? I wouldn't be surprised if the drop in birthrate is only in the White native population. Why do these depopulation shots only affect Whites? Remember how Africa was supposed to be the target of depopulation due to Gates vaccines that supposedly lowered fertility? Sure hasn't slowed them down. Birthrates in Africa are through the roof and show no sign of slowing, despite the supposed depopulation conspiracy.
Doesn't matter to the globalists if White birthrates slow down in Europe, they plan on replacing them with blacks, Muslims and Pakis to keep the world economy humming along. Here in the US, it will be mostly Mex but still plenty of high birthrate Muslims and negroes from Africa and Haiti.

Anonymous said...

Excellent comment,Jerry,because well,you agreed with me,lol.


Anonymous said...

[The United Kingdom’s Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has finally updated the “Vaccination in pregnancy” dataset in its “COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report,” showing that the birth rate in England plummeted by 11.9 percent in 2022.]

Normally one sees fertility rate, which is expressed in # of expected births per average woman during her childbearing years (however they define that) -- so it's extrapolated from current data.

They link to this page:

"Number of Births in England Falls by 11.9% in 2022"

It mentions the total number of births fell by 11.9% -- there is nothing about birth rates, but then if there were fewer births the birth rate would also be lower.

So already I know the people who write and edit this website are not careful (or maybe smart) enough to distinguish between the raw number of births and the birth rate.

Further down:

[Interestingly, the more deprived, the lower the birth rate drop. This is also coincides with a lower percentage of women vaccinated.]

But I do not see where 'deprived' is defined, and for a whopping 70% of the sample there is no indication of deprivation status -- it just says 'uknown' -- no one can take such data seriously.

Here is the latest page of official UK govt stats:

It's for 2021 -- apparently there is no data available yet for 2022 -- it says:

[For the first time since 2015, the number of live births in England and Wales increased annually. In 2021, there were 624,828 live births, an increase of 1.8% compared with 2020 (613,936).]

So there were more births in 2021 than in 2020.


[However, the number of live births in 2021 is lower than the number of pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) births in 2019 and is in line with the long-term trend of decreasing live births.]

So despite a growing population, including a LOT of migrants, the number of live births has been trending down for some time:

[The total fertility rate (TFR) for England and Wales in 2021 rose to 1.61 children per woman. This is the first annual increase since 2012.]


[However, when broken down by age groups, age-specific fertility rates (ASFRs) have increased in older age groups but decreased in younger age groups.]

It's interesting that births among older women are holding up better than among younger women -- this may weigh against more births to migrant women.

Overall the fertility/birth rate among migrants is probably higher than among natives -- but there is no data about that in the report cited.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I recall reading that there were studies that indicate recent migrants do bring higher birthrates but as they become assimilated, their birthrates begin to mirror the culture they live in. However, I read that decades ago, I suspect those studies were done before the more recent mass invasion and there weren't nearly as many immigrants. With so many arriving now, they will form their own insulated neighborhoods, or hoods, that retain their original cultural practices, such as lots of kids. I don't have any data for that, just thinking out loud.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it possible--and probable--that the simple reason illegals reproduce more than natural born citizens,is the Brits WORK,while the invaders are on welfare.

The invaders have more time to attempt fertilization while the Brits are so tired by the end of the day,they collapse in their beds.

And unless the immigrants are forced off welfare,nothing will ever change.This probably requires mass deportation(and not of the Brits).