Thursday, March 02, 2023

chief editor and accomplices editing the Roald Dahl books

By "W"
thu, mar 2, 2023 12:07 p.m.

chief editor and accomplices editing the Roald Dahl books

I remarked to another writer that when I was in grade and high school, I doubt such people even existed. The homosexual revolution has really accelerated.

N.S.: civil rights revolution (black supremacism) -> feminazism -> militant homosexualism -> sexual psychopathy


Anonymous said...

I've heard the name forever,never read a word written by him.My favorite author was early John Irving--and Vonnegut.


Anonymous said...

>consultant company called Inclusive Minds was put in charge of a project



'Penguin Random House publishers employed woke UK-based consultant agency Inclusive Minds to take on the project'

So who at Penguin Random House decided to do it in the first place? -- and then hire this outside company for it? -- was it a 'project' like the Hoover Dam was a 'project'?

Anonymous said...

"The homosexual revolution has really accelerated."

Everything the so called right wing in the USA has predicted is now occurring but at a much earlier date than anticipated and at a much accelerated rate.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
As a big science fiction reader when I was a kid, I read many books predicting interesting futures for humanity. One of my favorites was Joe Haldeman's "Forever War", which was a book about the future of interstellar war and how relativity affected it's soldiers. The hero of the tale was aging more slowly than the earth due to the great deal of time he spent in space travel so society on earth evolved rapidly forward while he stayed relatively the same age. One of the dystopian futures he was faced with was a society where everybody was homosexual and anybody who was still straight was considered a sexual deviant. Book was written in the early 70's and I think Haldeman was even more prescient than he realized, looking at the current "homosexual revolution" and the way our children's sexuality is being manipulated and exploited, his prediction may not be too off target. I can tell you right now, it's not a future I could live in or would want my children to.

Anonymous said...

Now I always read that the number #1 priority of nature is to reproduce,of which homos can't do--except through extraordinary means.How a country could be overtaken by fudgepackers seems impossible,but then to see blacks all over television,I would have thought was impossible too.I believe that's temporary,by the way--unless Whites are eradicated by some means


Bradley Morris said...

First it was Roald Dahl, now it's James Bond, being revised and rewritten to appease the equity mob and not be "offensive." This is a natural progression - as well as an ominous one - of the Maoist Cultural Revolution ignited in the wake of the demise of Saint George Floyd. First it was statues toppled, then names of places and roads changed, now it's classic literature; history, culture and literature reconfigured to conform with diversity, inclusiveness and equity D.I.E.

What's next?

Anonymous said...

Getting rid of Whites--either in prison or the cemetery.