Tuesday, March 07, 2023

arlington county, va: note description of reported rapist

By "W"
tue, mar 7, 2023 8:17 a.m.

arlington county, va: note description of reported sex-assault criminal


county "law enforcement" authorities are reportedly looking for a raceless man "wearing a black jacket and black or gray sweatpants." that description really narrows the field of potential suspects, doesn't it?!


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Normal description nowadays, I've also noticed these "descriptions" that consist only of the clothes the suspect was wearing. Of course, how easy is it to change a shirt and hat, you could even die your hair but race is unchangeable, and one of the more accurate descriptors you can give, might be wrong once in a while but 90% of the time is correct. They won't give that because it reveals the overwhelmingly high ratio of these types of crimes committed by the 13%.

Anonymous said...

A raceless man with a black di*k--is that politically correct?


David In TN said...

That no description of the suspect is given is in itself a description.

Anonymous said...

I thought first "Four Mile Road" was in Dee-troit. But no, it is in "Dee-Cee". If the former we would know perfectly well the race of the rapist. However since the rape was in DC we also have a good idea who the rapist and his race is.