Tuesday, February 14, 2023

We must be the laughing stock of the world: racism at auburn

By Merlin
tue, feb 14, 2023 11:19 p.m.

We must be the laughing stock of the world

Has there ever been a time in human history where an allegedly           abused minority of barely more than 10% of a nation's population was able to bully the other 90%, such as we see in ths country?                                                                           

Black Armed Robber Killed.
His family is furious about it.
8 recent robberies linked to one man
Solution To BSU problem .. European American White Students ..
Whitecott all Auburn sporting events and call for the firing
Of the President of Auburn University.. Administration Staff
plus immediate dismissal  of Auburn  University
Professor who is the faculty advisor for the BSU.
Blacks openly admit they hate whites.
Why is that not racist but when whites and Asians don't want
to be around them due to their violent nature - it is?
Colleges have 'non-white' groups and and 'non'white'
safe spaces and we act like it is cute.
It is heading to a race war started by blacks
and it needs to be stopped..
Black Student Union at Auburn University shares list of 250 racial slurs for white people, including
"Snow pigs," "Ku Klux Karens," and "neanderthal monkey"
I know we've been told that black people can't be racist. You know, there's no such thing as anti-White racism, because White people are the ones with all the power.

But, I don't know, this leaked message from the black student union at auburn university in alabama seems pretty racist to me. The messages include numerous comments by students making fun of White people as a whole, and the group created a google document for members to create new racial slurs for white people. The document includes over 200 anti-white slurs like, "snow pigs," "saltine cracker," "unseasoned chicken, "colonizer," "cotton ball,"ku klux karen," "neanderthal monkey," and "failed abortions." Members of the bsu openly bragged about the names they created on the list, and mocked White people repeatedly.

According to the whistleblower who is a member of the union, the group has a history of being discriminatory of members who do not share the same opinions as them.

They also expressed that they shared the contents of the group chat because they wanted to take a stand against blatant, anti-White racism.
But this isn't racism, obviously, because there's no power here, right? You can call people all of the absolute worst and most derogatory things imaginable, but if you are black it's totally okay.

It honestly sounds like this group is nothing more than a hotbed for hate.

This list here is pretty disgusting, as are the texts.

The document, titled "Creaker Names," contained seven pages of a single-column list of racial slurs.

1819 News obtained a copy of the document from Heard. According to urban dictionary, "Creaker" is another word for "cracker," used particularly when referring to an old White man.

Some of the names on this list are labeled "favorite" in parenthesis, such as "Sour Cream Citizen," "bleach demons," "sugar sardines," "dandruff demons," "elbow crust," "dandruff paper," "copy and paste," "skin stealers," "deformed dna," "decomposing form of humanity,""delusional lice," "bobble head white," "ashy, but you can't see it," "untamed beasts," "crest 3-D whitening strips" and several more.

The anonymous whistleblower also indicated to Turning Point, the student organization that broke this story, that this is common practice among the black student union at auburn.

I got tired of the blatant anti-White racism shown in the left and decided to take a stand. I have two other black friends who were ex-bsu, because they bullied them out for having different opinions than what was acceptable. bsu needs to learn to be more welcoming and inclusive to the White community. The bsu motto is "unity through education," and they are currently failing at that.

The university has responded to the incident and says this issue is being taken seriously.

I won't hold my breath, when it comes to a public university doing anything to hold a leftist organization like the bsu accountable, but at least they aren't coming to the defense of racism.

From Auburn:

"'on tuesday afternoon, auburn university was made aware of a groupme chat that used discriminatory language that is allegedly being circulated among some students. the university is committed to providing a working and academic environment that is free from discrimination and harassment and works to foster a nurturing community founded upon the fundamental dignity and worth of all its members. the university prohibits harassment of its students and employees as outlined in our policy against discrimination and harassment.

"'the university takes these matters very seriously and the alleged behavior does not represent the values of auburn university. [N.S.: Of course, it does!] the appropriate administrators are examining the issue and considering appropriate actions. this matter will be treated in the same manner with which any issue of discrimination or harassment is addressed." [Yeah, right.]

"I, for one, would be shocked if this organization was held to anything approximating the standards of another organization. if the situation was reversed, this would be a national news story and the organization in question would be abolished immediately."


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
This brings back memories a skit on Saturday Night Live during it's classic 70's period. Richard Pryor is applying for a job as a janitor and Chevy Chase interviews him for the job. Chevy begins a word association game with Pryor using racial slurs on the flimsy pretext he might hear the words at work. Pryor can't help but react to the slurs so comes back with a slur blacks use against Whites, getting more agitated and angry each time. Pryor runs out of White racial slurs and resorts to saying "honky" twice in a row, then ends with "dead honky", a terrified Chevy offers him a huge amount of money for the job and tells him he'll be the highest paid janitor in the city.


The skit was absolutely hilarious but it's use of racial slurs would never be allowed on TV nowadays.

However, I think Pryor was being dishonest about not being able to think of another slur, he knew there were a lot more racial slurs that blacks use against Whites, he just pretended like he didn't know them.

What's really most interesting about this skit was the symbolic way it represents how blacks use anger and violence to extract compliance out of Whites. It's worth a watch.

Anonymous said...

The document includes over 200 anti-white slurs like, "snow pigs," "saltine cracker," "unseasoned chicken, "colonizer," "cotton ball,"ku klux karen," "neanderthal monkey," and "failed abortions."

GRA;Very weak,nothing comes close to a black being called a "nigger".The perfect word for blacks,though coon,burrhead, and jigaboo are also effective--and far superior to "saltine cracker" or "cotton ball".

Really?THAT'S the best black"students" can come with?


Anonymous said...

We should thank the negro for telling us what they really think of the white.
And what they have thought all along. Thanks you ya'll.

Anonymous said...

I used to say if you listened closely you will hear the whole world is laughing at US [USA].

Now you don't even have to listen closely.

That 10 % shoving the remaining 90 % around also a very dysfunctional and degenerate group without any sort of real power as normally understood.

USA not a model for anyone anymore. And never for anyone ever again. And quite correctly so.