Friday, February 03, 2023

war crime: unhinged, racist mulatto, “trained as an accountant” runs down White er doctor, stabs him to death for ‘cycling while White’ in an expensive, ca neighborhood

fri, feb 3, 2023 5:31 p.m.

unhinged, racist mulatto “trained as an accountant” runs down er doctor, stabs him to death

Every bit of reported evidence points to the targeted mowing down - at high speed - of this er doctor, apparently for the crime of ‘cycling while White’ in an upscale ca neighborhood.

Video and witnesses indicate the mulatto sped through the intersection - running a red light - then aimed directly for dr. Mammone.

The “trained accountant” then approached the badly wounded physician - screaming about “white privilege” - before stabbing him multiple times in the back, ensuring his death.

The dm article had to add the following, implying that the murdered doctor deserved some responsibility for his own death - because everyone knows what a threat cyclists are to 2+ ton cars, with no one responsible for their own actions anymore because of COVID:

'the orange county da’s office said they are currently prosecuting close to 70 cases of vehicular death, with quite a few involving road rage, which seems to have risen since covid restrictions were lifted and people returned to driving’.”

N.S.: “Road rage” has become a code phrase, frequently, for war crimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As "Dubya" would have said,"Mission Accomplished."