Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Video of the Racist Attack on Adriana Kuch, and Her Racist Attackers' Names (Photo)

Re-posted by N.S.

Adriana Kuch's attackers' names: Ayona. Keyanna. Amira. Jasmine.


Anonymous said...

The names tell us all what we need to know. And entire universe can be created.

Anonymous said...

Yup,no wonder it's being covered up and censored.


Anonymous said...

downloading the video and looking at both individual frames and the video in slomo:

it appears there were at least 3 involved (in some way), maybe even 4 (?) or 5 (?) -- only 1 actually 'attacked'

the attacker looks black, but not coal black -- she is slim, is wearing a pink top and what looks like grey skinny jeans or sweats/leggings, and has straight hair (not an afro) -- she is the one who hits adriana kuch with a water bottle (you see this in slomo; some water splashes) -- the male with adriana is able to separate them, but he looks mostly useless -- the attacker manages to get ahold of adriana again, and seems to pull her hair and hit adriana's head and/or face -- adriana makes no effort to defend herself, maybe b/c she was stunned -- this goes on for a few secs before others appear (white male adult) and they are permanently separated

there is another short, chubby person in black clothes (pants, jacket) who is walking alongside the attacker -- in a few frames, this person's face is turned toward the camera and visible -- also looks to be black, but again rather light skinned, def not coal black -- has shortish dreadlocks -- if that's a female, it is a very ugly, male-ish female (does not look female to me) -- wearing droopy pants like a typical ghetto nigger -- the physical reaction of this person to the water bottle attack sort of indicates that maybe he/she was a bit surprised by it -- ? -- this person is essentially a bystander and does little/nothing -- he/she does not hit adriana

at 4s in the video you see the hand of someone holding a phone, looks to be filming -- this looks like a girl with super long (ghetto length) artificial fingernails -- difficult to say what race, but imo blacks are much more likely to have such ridiculous nails

obviously someone is filming and you are watching that vid -- assume this person is never on-camera, so nothing can be said about this person other he/she was ready to film and so knew the attack was going to happen

re a possible 4th/5th (?) person: at 14/15s in the vid, the hand of another person (?) apparently filming the attack appears -- assumption is that this person is not the same one who took the vid you're watching -- is it the same person whose hand w/ long nails is visible at 4s? -- doesn't really look like it -- going by hand skin color, this person is white or maybe hispanic -- does not look black

so looks like some kind of personal beef between adriana and the attacker -- ?

the face of the attacker is partly visible in a very few frames, but the resolution is low and it's blurry so you cannot say much -- but since she is slim, and could be attractive (?), one can ask if it was over a boy?

hard to believe that adriana would react so drastically to this and take her life -- why?! -- I understand it was probably embarrassing and humiliating, and at that age embarrassment and humiliation is perhaps felt more acutely -- ? -- the investigation should shed light on the background and what all of it was about

very sad

also because the data shows your average nigger is essentially ineducable in an academic setting, so almost all of them should be sent to some kind of vocational school, and not be with other students like adriana at the high school level in the first place

'a mind is a terrible thing to waste' said those ads for the united negro college fund -- yeah, maybe so, but the average nigger does NOT belong in an academic setting
"Habitual criminality, no impulse control or empathy for victims, and an inability to comply with basic police commands are all consequences of low IQ. In all aspects of our 'multicultural' societies, we apply standards that are not realistic for certain groups.

Anonymous said...

I'd have to agree with the analysis and conclusion.This is the same thing that happens at waffle houses,burger kings and other places Whites are forced to interact with blacks.If Adriana's dad paid money to send her to this school,while the blacks were allowed in via a freebie program,it seems a foregone conclusion this would happen to SOME White at some point.

If this was just one incident of many--of black harassment--it must have gotten overwhelming--is MY theory--as to why she would kill herself.This--on it's own,wouldn't seem to qualify,but adding other "black attacks"(verbal or physical) to the mix,would.


Anonymous said...

The more you watch it,the more disturbing it gets.blacks just look for this kind of fight(see the cheerleading video a week ago.)


Anonymous said...


(yahoo)A New Jersey superintendent who sparked outrage with his comments about a 14-year-old student’s death by suicide has resigned, the school district announced Saturday.

Central Regional School District superintendent Triantafillos Parlapanides stepped down less than two weeks after freshman Adriana Kuch took her own life following a vicious episode of bullying captured on video.

“The Central Regional family continues to mourn the loss of one of our children,” the school district said in a statement announcing the school board had accepted Parlapanides’ resignation Saturday.

GRA:As I said,the other day,he had to go.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand what some are seeing--is there a different video someplace? In the video I see one, probably light-skinned black, girl wearing a pink top attacking. Two young men, who look pretty white appear to be trying to keep the girl in pink away. I don't see 3 attackers at all. Elsewhere I read that bullying had been going on for months--why didn't her father get her out of that school or at least talk to the principal and insist he do something? The father sounds furious at suggestions that black racism is involved--sounds like the usual leftist denial of reality. There seems to be more going on than we know--why would Adriana kill herself over this? She evidently had a boyfriend so wasn't completely alone. Finally, why don't parents teach their kids to fight back?

Anonymous said...

Been thinking about this poor girl all weekend - how desperately alone she must have felt, abandoned and betrayed by everyone - including her father.
This SOB - within 24 hrs of his daughter's death - was all over the place, one 'exclusive interview' after the other: 'the system failed us'.
Even in beautiful Ocean Cty - location of waterfront homes worth millions - there was no protection for her at this 'Central Regional HS'.
The same savagery that's now common in every public school - in every 'urban area' of the nation - was known by many students here.
Any idiot knows that 'secondary education administrators' - everywhere - are bureaucratic hacks, only on the lookout for that next promotion, raise, pension - and couldn't give a shit about the well-being or safety of 'our students'.
The black bitch assaulting this girl was not immediately arrested - because the police are now never called, 'according to school district policy': parents must do so on their own.
This girl was being harassed - physically - by the SAME group of savages for months: why wasn't this core group EXPELLED?
The school did nothing - so the father should have done something, up to/including pulling her out of the school - when it became clear she had reached her psychological limit.
As per the MSM playbook, many online hits for the victim - Adriana Kuch - have the word 'fight' in the article description: impugning some 'reciprocal role' in these relentless, vicious, racist black attacks - as in, 'she had it coming'.
Note also, that in all video coverage of the subsequent 'student walkout demanding an 'end to bullying', NOT ONE black 'student' can be seen - an almost universal characteristic of any 'protest' in the case of the brutalization of a white victim (as others have previously pointed out on this blog).

As someone else wrote, these people are simply 'uneducable' - period. Need proof?
With the highest per capita spend per student in the nation, not ONE in the ENTIRE Baltimore public school system is able to 'show reading proficiency' at the 4th grad level - NOT ONE.

Is it 'racist' to report this? Almost certainly, unless your focus is on the 'magic brick theory of education', which holds that 'there must be something wrong with the school', to lead to such wholesale ignorance. 'We just need a new school', 'new teachers', or something.
No. Following this so-called 'Great Migration' from the South to the North - over a period of years - thousands of formerly GREAT schools were gradually 'handed-off' to these people, because those who established them, taught in them, sent their children to them, were forced to leave. First, because they had become dysfunctional hellholes - where no one was able to learn anything anymore - and second, parents didn't want their children to be harassed, beaten, maybe stabbed, shot and killed.

Because 'Diversity, Equity, Inclusion', even a nice suburban township in scenic Ocean County is not immune from black domestic terrorism.
In another time and place, residents would have known what to do.