Tuesday, February 14, 2023

PURE EVIL: officially, he's never murdered anyone; in the real world, he's a serial killer; police say florida rapper killed his pregnant girlfriend in front of her toddler just after he was acquitted of double murder (VIDEO)

By A Texas Reader
mon, feb 13, 2023 9:08 p.m.

PURE EVIL: police say florida rapper killed his pregnant girlfriend in front of her toddler just after he was acquitted of double murder (VIDEO)




‘Nuff said.


Anonymous said...

GRA:This nig was acquitted of a previous murder,which we know now,by his actions here--he committed.Here's how the the jury decided he was not guilty in the first case:

"When the defendant could not demonstrate the events,the defendant changed his statement to the fact that the victim pulled a gun on him and he was able to get the gun away from the victim and then shot her in the head as self-defense.”

GRA:That's the same scenario officer Chris Schurr had with Patrick Layoya--which we KNOW was true.The difference is,the jury decided to believe the rapper's fantasy version--and acquit him.

Layoya WAS attempting to take Schurr's taser and use it on Schurr to escape(by murdering Schurr in the process).

The question is:Will a rapper be allowed an action of self defense,while a cop is not?


Anonymous said...

Deff penalty case. Presence of a small child makes this an aggravated offense. It is FLA too.
Send him to the chair forthwith.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Biden's affirmative action press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre can't explain what NORAD is and calls Canada "Canadia"

This is what you get when you hire someone because of their gender, race and sexual orientation:


Megyn Kelly and Rick Leventhal rip her a much deserved new one:


At least Jean-Pierre doesn't quite fit into the hideous diesel dyke lesbian stereotype we so often see though she's a bit bug eyed and you can see the potential of her blowing up to Lizzo like proportions in 5-10 yrs. or so. Hopefully she will be gone by then and we won't be subjected to the sight of her on the TV screen every now and then.

Any press secretary will at times will commit a gaff but there's a big difference between misspeaking and not knowing what the $%#@ you are even talking about.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Biden's affirmative action press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre can't explain what NORAD is and calls Canada "Canadia"

This is what you get when you hire someone because of their gender, race and sexual orientation:


Megyn Kelly and Rick Leventhal rip her a much deserved new one:


At least Jean-Pierre doesn't quite fit into the hideous diesel dyke lesbian stereotype we so often see though she's a bit bug eyed and you can see the potential of her blowing up to Lizzo like proportions in 5-10 yrs. or so. Hopefully she will be gone by then and we won't be subjected to the sight of her on the TV screen every now and then.

Any press secretary will at times will commit a gaff but there's a big difference between misspeaking and not knowing what the $%#@ you are even talking about.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Biden admin creates another marginalized group definition:


From the article:

"Presenters advocated for the Middle Eastern or North African (MENA) population to be recognized and respected by becoming a new and distinct minimum reporting category because, for example, many in the MENA community do not share the same lived experience as White people with European ancestry, do not identify as White, and are not perceived as White by others," the OMB’s proposal said.

This is a step toward saying that people may look White, but if they have any middle eastern or n. african ancestry, then they aren't really White, even if they have White skin, so therefore suffered persecution at the hands of those evil Whites and will need compensation through more affirmative action, legalized protections (from what?) and government welfare benefits of some kind.

The first written historical records of slavery were from ancient Mesopotamia and arabs are the most omnipresent group dealing in the global slave trade throughout history. n. africa was the center of the centuries long barbary slave trade in which White Europeans were taken as slaves to Africa.

The US, as an independent country, practiced slavery for about 60 yrs. which might be the shortest period of time any nation ever practiced the institution. Let's see, arabs plus n. africans...thousands of years of slavery, the United States...around 60 yrs. Who is really the historical oppressor?

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Biden admin creates another marginalized group definition:


From the article:

"Presenters advocated for the Middle Eastern or North African (MENA) population to be recognized and respected by becoming a new and distinct minimum reporting category because, for example, many in the MENA community do not share the same lived experience as White people with European ancestry, do not identify as White, and are not perceived as White by others," the OMB’s proposal said.

This is a step toward saying that people may look White, but if they have any middle eastern or n. african ancestry, then they aren't really White, even if they have White skin, so therefore suffered persecution at the hands of those evil Whites and will need compensation through more affirmative action, legalized protections (from what?) and government welfare benefits of some kind.

The first written historical records of slavery were from ancient Mesopotamia and arabs are the most omnipresent group dealing in the global slave trade throughout history. n. africa was the center of the centuries long barbary slave trade in which White Europeans were taken as slaves to Africa.

The US, as an independent country, practiced slavery for about 60 yrs. which might be the shortest period of time any nation ever practiced the institution. Let's see, arabs plus n. africans...thousands of years of slavery, the United States...around 60 yrs. Who is really the historical oppressor?

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
sorry for the spam...again the dreaded error message, sometimes they don't go through but sometime they do, have no idea why.