Saturday, February 18, 2023

Pete Buttigieg bullet train

By A Colleague
sat, feb 18, 2023 2:54 p.m.

Pete Buttigieg bullet train


Anonymous said...

I heard Buttigieg bent over on a railroad track and took a 20 car train up HIS caboose.

No video available.


Anonymous said...

I think GRA is correct--and the fumes were deadly.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Just watched Sunday Today on NBC and they ran the MSU shooting story and yet again, the shooter was not named and the only photo they showed was that grainy surveillance photo where he had a mask on. They spent the entire feature memorializing the victims but kept the shooter anonymous. If he was White, you know his photo and name would be right out there.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Charles Love, who appears to be a black conservative...maybe, I'll have to look in on his writing a little more, pens a good article for Newsweek about the media burying the Arlington mass school shooter story because the shooter was black:
I'm amazed Newsweek ran the story but it's probably because the writer was black.

Anonymous said...

Lowlights of today's "Face the(Commie)Nation":

Two today:
Anthony Blinkin,talking about Putin's goal in Ukraine--coincidentally,the same goal that BIDEN'S administration has for Whites in the United States--"Putin wants to ERASE THEIR FUTURE."

I haven't heard that phrase before."Erase the past"--yes--which blm/commies have been attempting to do with White history.

"Erase the future"--is genocide--which blm/commies ALSO are attempting to accomplish against Whites(like us).

Odd,he objects to erasing the Ukraine people's future,but not his own race's in America.

Then Bernie Sanders,promoting his book,about hating capitalism,was asked by Margaret Brennan,if he hates capitalism so much,why is he charging $90 a ticket for speaking fees?

Bernie tried to appear taken aback and slightly miffed.

"That is the book publisher's area--I have nothing to do with that."

"And Ticketmaster?Known for adding fees to ticket prices?It's okay with you what Ticketmaster does?"Brennan asked.

"The publisher decided to use Ticketmaster--I had to go along with it."

Bernie the "Fighter"?

Not when it comes to selling a book--THEN he rolls over faster than a dog competing in the Kennel Club competition on Thanksgiving Day.


Anonymous said...

The only time I know that Eddie Fisher started both games of a doubleheader was when he "saw" both his wife,Debbie Reynolds and "girlfriend",Elizabeth Taylor on the same day.

Different Eddie Fisher--obviously.

Ultimately,he struck out with both dames.

Anonymous said...

This train supposedly was carrying a large world of dioxin that became released into the air ring to love canal Buffalo New York, uninhabited in destroyed area, and will be for maybe centuries to come. This is a tremendous disaster, and Biden doesn’t really seem to care. Maybe it is because Ohio voted against him. That is why.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I heard Buttigieg bent over on a railroad track and took a 20 car train up HIS caboose

Don’t be giving that boy any ideas he might actually do it or at least want to do it