Tuesday, February 14, 2023

"parents unable to opt children out of california school district's 'anti-bias' lessons"

By R.C.
tue, feb 14, 2023 2:53 p.m.

"parents unable to opt children out of california school district's 'anti-bias' lessons"

N.S.: Then they're going to have to sue to get it abolished, as racist, sexist, anti-heterosexual, anti-sane, anti-American, etc., in violation of the First, Fifth, and 14th Amendments. Hopefuly, they can get some support from conservative legal firms.



Anonymous said...

Why hasn't anyone sued to stop queers from adopting kids?The gay lifestyle is not conducive to raising NORMAL children into NORMAL heterosexual adults,but probably messes them up into horrific confusion.

Nature attempts to keep the human species going in various ways--not one of which--is fag sex ever listed.


Anonymous said...

Here is another article about this:


It contains a link to the text of the CA law that changed what must be taught:


The law is from 2011, and its chief sponsor/author was CA state senator Leno:


This is Mark Leno (who has since left the CA senate).

Here is his Wikipedia page:


And here is part of that page:

"Leno is the grandson of Russian Jewish immigrants."


"Leno also spent two years in rabbinical studies at Hebrew Union College in New York."


"Working with his life partner, Douglas Jackson, ..."

So to sum up: the guy behind the law requiring the teaching of stuff like this in CA is a Jewish homosexual (the repulsive Scott Wiener is another in CA).

EST = every single time -- this is more or less a meme, and like all good memes is of course literally an exaggeration.

Yet it is surprising how often one finds Jews are behind stuff like this, which is the reason the JQ has legs, and those legs are growing.

Like it or not.