Friday, February 17, 2023

Michael Kuch Betrayed His Daughter, Adriana, in Life and in Death

By Jerry PDX
thursday, february 16, 2023 at 11:43:00 p.m. est

I don’t know about anybody else, but for me the most miserable, evil, and disgusting thing is when White parents or other loved ones defend racist blacks who assault or murder their children. Adriana Kuch’s father, Michael Kuch is “blasting the speculation about the race of the attackers,” saying his daughter was “colorblind.”

What a miserable, virtue-signalling POS. If you look at those videos carefully, her attackers appear to be light-skinned black girls, but because the faces were never shown, it remains somewhat in question. But does anybody doubt they were black? I don’t.

Perhaps the primary reason, along with blacks being violent racists, this sort of thing happens so much is the refusal of Whites to confront and acknowledge the extraordinary amount of racist violence blacks perpetrate against them. It’s like the denial that black serial killers or mass killers exist. That very denial enables them and keeps them from being identified and apprehended as quickly as they should be.

According to the article, Mr. Kuch was responding to online comments about race. These were the comments published in the article:

Over the image, an instagram user wrote, “They are protesting about that white girl.”

“Nah, cuz wtf why does black people do that to the white girl,” the user continued, claiming that “black people know that white [people] hate them still.”

What does that semi-literate racist writing style tell you? Those are blacks writing that stuff, portraying themselves as victims, rather than the Whites they are assaulting. Yet Mr. Kuch doesn’t have the courage to speak truthfully about it, so he makes general statements about “racism,” as if it’s blacks that are the victims.

Thanks, Jerry. You nailed it. Although the mother of White University of Cincinnati cop Ray Tensing thanked me, several years ago, for reporting fairly on his case, I have had friends and relatives of Whites who were slaughtered by racist blacks condemn ME for calling a spade a spade.

Officer Tensing was patrolling near the uc campus, when he spotted a black driver, Samuel DuBose, driving while missing a license plate (and, as it turned out, with a suspended license). Officer Tensing pulled over the miscreant, DuBose, who then tried to drive away, while Officer Tensing has trying to get the key. So, with Officer Tensing hanging on the door, with DuBose trying to kill him, the officer shot him dead.

[“War Against Police (cont’d.): Is Cincinnati Prosecutor Joe Deters Another Mike Nifong?”]

“tough-on-crime,” republican, hamilton county da, Mike Nifong, er, Joe Deters, condemned Officer Tensing as guilty of a “chicken crap stop,” publicly defamed him, and sought to railroad him into prison.

[“Mother of Persecuted, White, Cincinnati Policeman Ray Tensing Writes to Journalist to Thank Him for Fair Coverage.”]

“I am the mother of ex-officer Ray Tensing. I am assisting his attorney, Stew Mathews. I came across your article while doing research. May I say it is very well written and one of the rare, unbiased, impartial, accurate representations I have read in MSM!

“Thank you for taking the time to write this! Bottom line... the City leaders and prosecutor threw him under the bus to save the city and campus from burning, hence, the superhuman speed of an indictment with the officer's testimony and evidence.

“So, one really can indict a ham sandwich. That needs to be changed.” “Sincerely, “Amy Tensing”

Of course, that was all years ago, before google/blogger rendered me invisible.


Bradley Morris said...

The worst example of this kind of degenerative immorality of liberals are the parents of Amy Biehl. Amy Biehl was a virtue signaling idiot American college student who was in South Africa in the run up to the first universal elections in 1994. It was a foregone conclusion that Mandela's terrorist ANC would win, setting South Africa on the road to pernicious ruin, the state it's in today. Biehl was there helping blacks register to vote for the first time. She was driving her black compatriots back to the black townships one afternoon when she was pulled from the car and beaten to death by a mob of blacks who saw someone with white skin. Being a white person in a black township at that time would be akin to a white person being caught in the middle of South Central LA during the Rodney King riots. Not a smart move. Four killers were identified, tried and sentenced to prison. Two years later the South African Truth And Reconciliation Committee was formed and they appealed their sentences.Biehl's parents SHOWED UP AT THE HEARING IN SUPPORT OF HER KILLERS. Once granted amnesty the parents EMPLOYED TWO OF THEM IN THE CHARITY SET UP IN HER NAME. Look at the bright side, Biehl has a high school named after her in Albuquerque NM.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the deceased was colorblind, but her attackers were not colorblind

Anonymous said...

So, with Officer Tensing hanging on the door, with DuBose trying to kill him, the officer shot him dead.

This is like in the old days when a cowboy riding, a mustang horse would find himself thrown from the saddle and being dragged to to death by his stirrup. He had only one option, and that would be to kill the horse. Let the animal rights activist cry?