Saturday, February 18, 2023

Lowlights in “Allyship”: Remembering Amy Biehl

[“Michael Kuch Betrayed His Daughter, Adriana, in Life and in Death.”]

By Bradley Morris
saturday, february 18, 2023 at 5:33:00 a.m. est

The worst example of this kind of degenerative immorality of liberals are the parents of Amy Biehl.

Amy Biehl was a virtue-signaling idiot, American college student who was in south africa in the run-up to the first universal elections in 1994.

It was a foregone conclusion that Mandela’s terrorist anc would win, setting south africa on the road to pernicious ruin, the state it’s in today.

Biehl was there, helping blacks register to vote for the first time. She was driving her black compatriots back to the black townships one afternoon, when she was pulled from the car and beaten to death by a mob of blacks who saw someone with White skin. Being a White person in a black township at that time would be akin to a White person being caught in the middle of south central la during the Rodney King riots. Not a smart move.

Four killers were identified, tried, and sentenced to prison. Two years later, the south african truth and reconciliation committee was formed and they appealed their sentences.

Biehl’s parents SHOWED UP AT THE HEARING IN SUPPORT OF HER KILLERS. Once granted amnesty, the parents EMPLOYED TWO OF THEM IN THE CHARITY SET UP IN HER NAME. Look at the bright side, Biehl has a high school named after her in albuquerque, n.m.

N.S.: Note that when Whites mistakenly thought the “truth and reconciliation committee” was legit, and confessed to “crimes” they’d committed under White-controlled apartheid, they learned the hard way about “black law” (GRA), when under black-controlled apartheid, they were railroaded.


Bradley Morris said...

Biehl joined the pantheon of female liberal idiots whose useful idiocy cost them their lives. The other members are:

Rachel Corrie - run over by an Israeli bulldozer whilst protesting the demolition of Palestinian houses in Gaza.

Kayla Mueller - kidnapped, repeatedly raped and tortured by the leader of ISIS, interrupting her "humanitarian " work in the area of the Middle East she was in.

Marla Ruzicker - doing good deeds in Baghdad in the aftermath of the American invasion, blown up by a roadside bomb.

Every one of these Darwin Award nominees was in the middle of conflicts far beyond their scope of comprehension in some of the most dangerous places on Earth, helping people who ultimately didn't give a damn about them. As far as I know only Biehl had a high school named after her.

Anonymous said...

Not quite the same as I haven't read that there was an altruistic motive, but just as foolish, was the case of the Asian woman who was living with her White husband in Seattle. This woman for some reason decided to go on a solitary hitchhiking journey through Mexico. As anyone with more than a room temperature IQ would have guessed, she disappeared, never to be heard from again. I suspect she was either sold into sexual slavery or simply raped, murdered, and her bones are lying in some arroyo in Mexico. In spite of the myth, not all Asians are intelligent.

Anonymous said...

I used to say,"defend your history,protect your future," and by that I meant White history--not only the statues erected and buildings named for White historical figures,but the LAWS that guided White America for over 200 years.

By defending those laws of free speech and judicial oversight against crime by minorities,you protect your future as well.

(Whites) should also be wise enough to know that certain situations with blacks,Mex,Muslims,Somalis etc MUST be avoided,to protect YOUR individual future and of your family.

To expose yourself to the criminal whims of minorities is both stupid and shortsighted--your demise being a distinct possibility--at the hands of those who have only disdain/hatred for your White race.

It's sad that educated people do not use their brains in better ways than to allow themselves to be sacrificed for the satisfaction of black murderlust.

Insanity comes in many forms though,doesn't it?


Bradley Morris said...

Interesting that you should juxtapose "black Apartheid " and "white Apartheid ". Many times I hear that what white people are being subjected to now in the ruins of South Africa is turnabout for what "they" inflicted on the blacks during Apartheid and they deserve everything they get.

That is vacuous idiocy on the grandest scale. Firstly, most of the whites being subjected to the vicious racial discrimination in South Africa are generations removed from Apartheid. Being born after Apartheid means you had no responsibility for it, so therefore shouldn't have to suffer any repercussions over it. Actually, even if you lived in South Africa during the Apartheid era, like I did, it still means you bear no responsibility for it, unless you actively helped draft the legislation that created it in 1948.

What whites are being subjected to in South Africa is not "reverse Apartheid ", by the way. If it were, the whites would have free education, subsidized housing, virtually free healthcare, would not be subject to military draft, would all be employed, have safe streets and secure borders, as well as have their own ethnic homelands. They would also pay no income tax and all those goodies would be courtesy of black taxpayers. That's right, blacks received all those perks and handouts from white taxpayers, blacks paid no income tax. Ironically, blacks in South Africa today are still dependent on white taxpayers, in the form of foreign aid from Europe and America.

Back in 1978 when the movie "Superman" was released, the first country that saw it, twelve hours before it was released in the United States, was South Africa. The reason was that South African movie audience reaction most closely mirrored American audiences, so South Africa was used as a testing ground.

This bifurcation is also true of the current political and societal situation of the two countries and if white Americans want to see a Petrie dish of their future, look at South Africa. Where everything created by white ingenuity and pioneering over the course of three hundred years is being torn down, renamed and reallocated. Sound familiar? Whites are being legislated into perpetual poverty and being subjected to a pernicious stealth genocide on their farms and in their homes. The same thing is going to happen here

Anonymous said...

I always think of the famous Pippa baca Italian actress, who wanted to show how peaceful it is in the Middle East tried to walk across the Middle East, a white woman dressed in a wedding dress she made in a few miles into turkey was abducted, raped and murdered found naked that sort of thing happens also gullible white people who wanna believe the best about everybody except their own race

Bradley Morris said...

Gang raped actually