Tuesday, February 14, 2023

It took almost two years, but the killing of a mexican mom led to the arrest of 23 "most dangerous" gang members

By N.S.

"stray bullet killing of innocent nyc [sic] mom sparks arrest of 23 'most dangerous' gang members

"the tragic march 2021 death of 37-year-old mother of two, Gudelia Vallinas — shot on her way back from shopping for her family — prompted an investigation that ultimately led to the 84-count indictment against 23 reputed gang members, according to prosecutors."

“'Miss. Vallinas is our American dream, whose life was suddenly halted due to gang members recklessly firing bullets, with total disregard of anybody around them, Queens District Attorney Deputy Chief Jason Savino said, decrying the act of violence as 'absolutely horrific.'”

"Vallinas, an immigrant from Mexico who cleaned houses for a living, was walking home on March 21, 2021, in Woodside when she was hit in the head by a stray bullet — in a shooting that authorities said was part of an ongoing war between two gangs."

Of course. She couldn't be an American. Americans are forbidden to have an American dream. Vallinas was almost certainly an illegal alien invader.

It looks like the post has blocked me from so much as even readng their comments threads. When I hit the links, I get a bounce, and then nothing.


Gudelia Vallinas and her husband/boyfriend/whatever


Anonymous said...

23 down and the rest of Mexico to go.


Anonymous said...

Probably the woman an illegal and those involved in her killing also illegal.

Anonymous said...

The media loves to fete low quality human capital like this -- rubbing whitey's face in it.