Tuesday, February 14, 2023

illegal Biden admin creates another marginalized group definition

By Jerry PDX
tuesday, february 14, 2023 at 2:47:00 p.m. est

Biden admin creates another marginalized group definition:


From the article:

"presenters advocated for the middle eastern or north african (mena) population to be recognized and respected by becoming a new and distinct minimum reporting category because, for example, many in the mena community do not share the same lived experience as White people with european ancestry, do not identify as White, and are not perceived as White by others," the omb’s proposal said.

this is a step toward saying that people may look White, but if they have any middle eastern or n. african ancestry, then they aren't really White, even if they have White skin, so therefore suffered persecution at the hands of those evil Whites and will need compensation through more affirmative action, legalized protections (from what?) and government welfare benefits of some kind.

The first written historical records of slavery were from ancient Mesopotamia, and arabs are the most omnipresent group dealing in the global slave trade throughout history. north africa was the center of the centuries-long barbary slave trade, in which White europeans were kidnapped, turned into slaves, and sent to africa.

The U.S., as an independent country, practiced slavery for about 60 years, which might be the shortest period any nation ever practiced the institution. Let's see, arabs plus north africans...thousands of years of slavery. The United States...around 60 years. Who is really the historical oppressor?


Anonymous said...

"so therefore(those who) suffered persecution at the hands of those evil Whites and will need compensation through more affirmative action, legalized protections (from what?) and government welfare benefits of some kind."

GRA:They've invaded Europe and are already collecting every item you mentioned,Jerry.


Anonymous said...

"Let's see, arabs plus north africans...thousands of years of slavery."

But the ?American negro really has a whole lot of respect and admiration for Islam. Even those not converts get Islamic names such as Jamal or Hakim.

Plus Islamic slavery did not allow for the slaves to reproduce. Most men castrated.

Anonymous said...

"But the American negro really has a whole lot of respect and admiration for Islam."

Mohammad owned slaves too. Kinda like T. Jefferson did.

Anonymous said...

Just one more indication of a group that wants to move away from being seen as white. Nikki Haley proclaims herself to be also non-white.

These demographics see if is profitable to be seen as not white. Things the can anticipate maybe going to get really bad soon for whitey.

Anonymous said...

Haley playing the non-white card is despicable. Most Indians (dot, not feather) are classified as Caucasians--especially those from the north. Years ago I remember Haley choosing "White" as her race on a form and there was some controversy about it. But now, as anti-White sentiment grows, she finds it expedient to claim she isn't white--just like the fake "Pocohantas" in Congress and several other Whites making believe they were privileged minorities. Years ago some blacks tried to "pass" as Whites, but it is an indication of where the country is today that Whites try to pass as non-Whites.
By the way, using race is a really bad way to judge people. There are good and bad in every race, but it is possible to make generalizations where groups of people are involved. Anyone who doubts that should try walking through the black part of any big city at night. On the other hand, some of the worst people in the world are White--like mass-killer Fauci, Soros, Gates, and the career liar and criminal sniffer in the White House.