Thursday, February 09, 2023

"trans" horrors at washington "university" clinic exposed

By "W"
thu, feb 9, 2023 5:41 p.m.

"trans" horrors at washington "university" clinic exposed

this trans BS needs to be outlawed and promoters cancelled


Anonymous said...

If the country survives all this(I don't see how),and a hundred years into the future,the people in 2123, look back to see the insanity that was perpetrated on their great-grandparents--in 2023--they would have to know the details of HOW the saving of the United States took place

They will have read and watched about the woke,commie effort to create anarchy.

I would love to know--if all this was indeed survivable---how the three pronged movement of gays,blacks and Mex illegals was stopped.

I'd especially like to know how the country turned itself around.I can"t imagine what must have erupted,if Whites are alive a century from now.


Anonymous said...

>The Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis

Wash Univ is sort of the Stanford of the midwest; it's a prestigious and well-regarded private university -- Northwestern in Chicago is similar --it's pretty alarming that even the most elite institutions are going into this -- but if it was no longer covered by insurance, that would diminish rapidly - cutting off the money is key.

Anonymous said...

“We are building the plane while we are flying it.”

You DON'T want to fly in that plane.