Friday, February 17, 2023

Enemy of Regular White People—wef strong man Klaus Schwab—Wants to Play Dr. Frankenstein and Hitler Combined, Threatens the World with AI/Synthetic Biology; Someone Will be “Master of the World”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
GRA: Why couldn’t one of the those dead birds be Schwab? He sounds like Hitler—times 100.

(ZH) “In 2015, Klaus Schwab wrote a book called the fourth industrial revolution, in which he mentioned more than 20 technologies that will change the world. ‘All those technologies have become reality,’ he said at the world government summit in dubai this week while adding that humanity is moving into the ‘exponential phase’ of technology transformation.

“Schwab cited technologies like AI, metaverse, cryptocurrencies, space tech, and synthetic biology that will change the world. ‘Our life in 10 years from now [sic] will be completely different, very much affected. And who masters those technologies in some way will be the master of the world,’ Schwab stated.

“The engineering of organisms to develop unique purposes and abilities, which are not inherently available, is known as synthetic biology. It involves changing the organism’s genetic code by infusing it with another creature’s dna, a radical step-up from genome editing. The wef is a proponent of the methodology.

“‘You cannot catch up with the new technologies. You have to be a frontrunner because otherwise, you will be on the losing outside [sic].” One of the main concerns is how to shape ‘necessary policies’ to ensure that technologies ‘serve’ humankind.”

[GRA: Like on The Twilight Zone.]

“‘Change goes so fast in our world, and we go even faster. How can we make sure that the individual, each citizen, doesn’t feel overwhelmed by change because he cannot understand really what’s going on?’ Schwab said, while adding that if people do not understand change, they can turn fearful and react negatively. “The wef head called on governments ‘to have the ambition and the vision to show that those technologies can serve for the good.’”

GRA: With humans’ track record, don’t count on it or believe anything but the following: death, destruction, and horrific experimentation on humans will result.


one successful butcher, and one apiring butcher: Nelson Mandela and Klaus Schwab


Anonymous said...

The day Skynet became self-aware, sentient and being able to reproduce itself. That is what they have in mind no humans around.

Anonymous said...

Take care Klaus experiment on him try all sorts of borg technology on the man against his will see how he likes it

I know there is no such thing as Borg technology it is Star Trek fantasy, but if it could be done and should be done