Thursday, December 22, 2022

Tucker Carlson is having governor Gregg Abbott on tonight

By A Texas Reader
thu, dec 22, 2022 8:16 p.m.

Tucker Carlson is having governor Gregg Abbott on tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Abbott and Carlson?Did Bud get a new comedy partner?


Greg Abbott and Tucker Carlson have an interview near the Tex/Mexico border--as Abbott(with Carlson's assistance)attempts to help process the hordes of illegals pouring in:

Carlson:Who's up for processing first?
Abbott:A Mexican
Carlson:What about second?
Abbott:A Nicaraguan.
Carlson:And third?
Abbott:Carlson,I DON'T KNOW--they all look the same!
Carlson :So you were guessing on the first two?
Abbott:That's right.
Carlson:You don't know an Ecuadoran from a El Salvadoran?
Abbott:No,I don't.

Carlson:Well--who does--really?But thank you governor for the interview.

Abbott:Wait a minute--you said,"who does"?

Carlson:That's what I said.

Abbott:Who is this man?



Carlson:Not what--who?I just told you his name.

Abbott:That's what I'M TRYING TO FIGURE OUT!

Carlson:Governor Abbott,in the time we've been speaking,500 more illegals went right past us.

Abbott:I'm a bad boy!

Carlson:That's MY LINE,Abbott--and the guy's name is H-u--not w-h-o.

Abbott:Carlson,there's just too many foreign names to keep track of these days.

Carlson:I totally agree governor.Good night everyone.