Wednesday, December 21, 2022

this is new york: raceless man demanded mta worker return his fist-bump; then he chased the worker, threatening to beat him up; the worker shot him

By N.S.

I've had experiences with raceless mopes like this one, going back many years.

And how many crimes has Renaldo Gurrier committed, without being arrested?

"man shot by mta worker was ticked off over spurned fist-bump, sources say

  "a straphanger shot by an mta worker in Brooklyn was allegedly angry the transit employee blew him off when he tried to fist-bump, sources said."

"Gurrier works on and off at a brooklyn tire shop, his boss told the post on wednesday.

“'everything’s a problem with that guy,' Danny Argentina said. he also claimed that this isn’t the first time Gurrier’s been wounded.

“'[he] got stabbed 20 times, beat up dozens of times, he got shot once' in past disputes. it wasn’t clear if he was the victim or the perpetrator in the incidents.

"police have not announced any arrests in tuesday night’s incident.

"mta new york city transit president Richard Davey said both transit employees have been given desk assignments pending the outcome of an investigation.

"Davey said the employee who had the gun, a transit revenue collector who was not identified, is one of about 274 transit workers who are armed."

Renaldo Gurrier, mr. fist bump, is the mope on the stretcher

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the immigration status of this Renaldo is? Again and again I asked that question. So some of these transit workers are able to carry a weapon legally I would venture a whole bunch of them need to be able to carry a weapon legally.