Saturday, December 03, 2022

new york’s city’s nation of islam mayor Eric Adams hired the radically unqualified Keechant Sewell as police commissioner because: 1. she’s female; 2. she’s black; and 3. she’s a lesbian; now the incompetent Sewell is complaining that she’s a victim of “sexism”

By N.S.

“You are not qualified. You are in over your head.”

I don’t know what’s more ridiculous—commissioner Sewell’s complaints, or the post’s cheerleading for her.

Of course, she was hired to “check a box.” Then mayor-elect Adams said so, at the time, or have the post’s Susan Edelman and Dean Balsamini forgotten that?!

She was completely unqualified (highest previous job: head of Nassau County detectives), and she’s done a horrible job! The city is more dangerous than it’s been in 50 years, due to racist black thugs who know they’re in charge.

Of course, this is the same post that supported the mayoral candidacy of the nypd’s racist cop from hell and member of the black supremacist nation of islam’s murder cult, who wasn’t even legally eligible to run, seeing as he had lived in fort lee, nj for years.

“nypd commissioner Keechant Sewell blasts sexist put-downs

“nypd top cop Keechant Sewell suggested she's faced belittling sexism and second-guessing by those who 'don’t know any better' in a fiery speech last month to the Policewomen’s Endowment Association.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nigs flapping their lips.