Tuesday, December 06, 2022

More Murder, Mayhem, Misogyny and mexicans

By A Texas Reader
tue, dec 6, 2022 8:26 p.m.

More Murder, Mayhem, Misogyny and mexicans.


Anonymous said...


"...even though we’re hurting emotionally now," Rivera said in a statement. "At the end, love will always cast out fear."

GRA:Sometimes you need fear,to be aware of the fact that a "boyfriend" might just kill you in the very near future.

"Love",with the wrong person,blinds you to a danger you have allowed yourself to be in--especially if it's an interracial hookup.

To say that fear needs to be cast aside ,is just what a sociopath would say.


Anonymous said...

"Uncle Ben"Crump,Lyoya Fambilee,sue city of Grand Rapids for $100 million.

GRA:Standing at a lectern in Grand Rapids,black ambulance chaser Ben Crump announced a civil lawsuit against the city of Grand Rapids to the tune of 100 million dollars,citing "excessive force and improper training of their officers."
Patrick Lyoya's father stood to the side,thinking about being a millionaire for having a criminal son.
Only in America.