Sunday, December 04, 2022

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (but not for long)?

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, december 4, 2022 at 2:16:00 a.m. est

(knock on Amy Robach’s door—Amy opens)

Mother Robach: Hi, Amy—where’s Andy?

Amy: Who?

Mother Robach: Your h-u-s-b-a-n-d.

TJ: I can spell, y’all—and my headband’s hanging on my...

Father Robach: Why is there a black guy in this house—and why is he sitting on your couch—NAKED?

Amy: Maybe you should read NSU, Daddy.

Father Robach: Don’t daddy ME—and I DO readNSU.

(TJ stands up): Hey, don’t be yellin’ at my ho, b--ch—show her some respect.

Mother Robach: You’re this TJ we’ve heard about?

TJ: In the flesh (he laughs at his joke).

Amy: I can’t get him to wear clothes in the house.

Mother: But you have KIDS!

TJ: And the way we’ve been goin’ at it, she’s gonna have a few more.

Father: You’re a filthy ni**er.

TJ: Ain’t we all?

Father: Let’s get out of here.

Mother: By all means—Amy—you’re a disgrace to the family.

(Slams door)

TJ: They like me.

Amy: I told you they would.


By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, december 4, 2022 at 2:17:00 a.m. est

Now when do they lose their jobs?


By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, december 4, 2022 at 2:23:00 a.m. est

I just read, “abc does not plan to discipline the two—it’s a consensual relationship between two adults.”

And one of them is black—which means—he can’t be criticized or punished for banging a White woman.




By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, december 3, 2022 at 7:11:00 p.m. est

There’s a song—“Coal Burner’s Daughter.” After she gets killed, you can change the title to “Coal Burner’s Slaughter.”

The nig readily admits cheating on the wife constantly, which leaves anyone reading this to logically think:

What’s the matter with Amy Robach?



Anonymous said...


Well,in case anyone was betting on this,Robach and Holmes,"have the day off today,"according to their grinning replacements on THE GMA 3 show.

I guess the pair need time to write a little story to read on the air--if they make it back on air.

It will probably sound something like this:

"Hey,y'all.Amy and I want to say something about the current situation involving the two of us."

"That's right,Mandingo--I mean,TJ.It's been a rough few days for us.We were hoping to keep our relationship secret,so it wouldn't come to this, were taken--and now this is all out in the open."

"Right,and since it is,I want to say a couple things:I'm proud to be wham-bamming this girl to my left.For 49,she still is very limber,which is what I need in a sex partner,but we've also seen the stories about when we met,and I just want to say,we DID NOT cheat on our spouses...


"That's right,we never consummated our relationship until much later than is being reported--long after we'd separated from our spouses."


"What the...hell is that?Anyways,we believe in being faithful and not cheating..."




Anonymous said...

TMZ REPORTS ON ABC NEWS (black)President,Kim Goodwin's decision to remove the slimey hosts of GMA 3

8:50 AM PT -- Sources connected to the network tell us T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach were only made aware of the decision this morning.
The honchos over at ABC News have made the decision to take Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes off the air ... calling the couple's relationship a distraction with next steps to be sorted out by execs.

Sources at ABC tell TMZ ... ABC News' President, Kim Godwin, made the announcement during an editorial call Monday morning -- calling the situation an "internal and external distraction."

Kim also said the decision wasn't easy and not a violation of company policy, she added, "And so, I want to say that while that relationship is not a violation of company policy, I have really taken the last few days to think about and work through what I think is best for the ABC News organization."

She continued, "This is something I'm not going to talk, we're not going to talk about on this call until there is more to be said. I'm asking that we stop the whispering in the hallways. You know, we can't operate with gossip, and speculation and rumors. We need to stay focused on the work."

Adding, "If you think there is something that management needs to know, you can always call HR or, as we've said, talk to a manager that you trust. If you think there is something that we need to know."

The decision comes less than a week after the public found out the coworkers were dating ... Daily Mail published a set of flirty photos of the two spending time throughout NYC, and broke the news they'd be taken off the air.

While neither Amy or T.J. said much about the relationship on air, they seemingly joked about all the attention it generated during Friday's broadcast when T.J. said he just wanted the week to keep going and going ... Amy said she was ready for the weekend.

TMZ broke the story, sources connected to Amy and T.J. told us the added attention to their lives wasn't going to make them pump the brakes on their relationship at all. The two were in a consensual relationship, and both had an equal position on 'GMA3.'

Stephanie Ramos and Gio Benitez will replace the two on Monday, it's unclear if they'll fill the whole week.

GRA:You'd think they won't be allowed to host the same show together--different shows,probably.


Anonymous said...


GRA:Sick stuff to pay a 39 year old that much money.Who's the GM?If Billy Eppler had waited until Verlander was 45,he could fork over $100 mill a year--which would then exceed the stupidity of THIS deal.