Thursday, December 15, 2022

former wimbledon champion Boris Becker is set to be deported from the united kingdom!

By R.C.
thu, dec 15, 2022 11:49 a.m.

"former wimbledon champion Boris Becker is set to be issued with deportation orders from the united kingdom following his release from prison after a conviction for hiding assets during a bankruptcy investigation.

"tennis legend to be deported from uk – media — rt sport news"



Anonymous said...

Drug dealers stay though--on the taxpayer's dime--IF they're caught and prosecuted successfully.That goes for here in the U.S. too.Illegal,incoming hiding,black/Mex drug dealers are NOT deported,but if you're a White,European,filing for bankruptcy--yes.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Boris had serious jungle fever, had two black (light skinned) wives who took him from being worth about 160 million to declaring bankruptcy. He may have been a great tennis player but you know what they say about a fool and his money....