Friday, December 09, 2022

"florida man" raped dog in front of people; damaged church property, mailbox

By A Texas Reader
fri, dec 9, 2022 9:49 p.m.

clearwater pd: florida man had sex with dog in front of people; damaged church property, mailbox

an orlando man was in clearwater, where he had sex with a goldendoodle in front of adults and a child, damaged a nativity display at a nearby church, and tried to steal a vehicle, police said.

"florida man."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The dog has hired "Uncle Ben" Crump to handle the potential multi-million dollar lawsuit--and child support case.

"I don't just take the cases of stupid negroes who run from--and fight with the police," Crump stated,"and this here is an example of that.Dog's Anuses Matter(DAM)."