Tuesday, December 20, 2022

exclusive: ex-nyu admin accused of blowing state funds on $80K swimming pool put on leave from yale

-----Original Message-----
from: new york post <email@nypost.com>
to: add1dda@aol.com
tue, dec 20, 2022 3:47 p.m.

exclusive: ex-nyu admin accused of blowing state funds on $80K swimming pool put on leave from yale

New York Post - News Alerts
Yale spokesperson Karen Peat told The Post Tuesday that "Ms. Tappe has been placed on leave."
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ex-nyu admin accused of blowing state funds on $80K swimming pool put on leave from yale
yale spokesperson Karen Peat told the post tuesday that "ms. Tappe has been placed on leave."
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Anonymous said...

And a vacation too?It's her lucky year.


Anonymous said...

Hardly I might think not the only occurrence for this administrator embezzlement seems to be part of the deal a bonus even