Thursday, December 22, 2022

A Joke that Shouldn't Get You Fired if You Tell It (Unless aarp Gets Miffed)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, December 19, 2022 at 3:51:00 p.m. est

A young lad did some work for a farmer and when he was done was given a goose as barter payment. He tucked the goose under his arm and began walking home. As he was passing through town, he noticed that a movie that he wanted to see was playing at the theater. Since they didn't allow animals, he stuffed the goose down his pants, paid for his ticket and found a seat in the packed theater next to two old ladies as the lights dimmed.

The goose began to struggle and not wanting to be discovered, the young man inconspicuously unzipped his fly so that the goose could breathe. Shortly thereafter, one of the old ladies nudged the other, "Edna, the boy sitting next to me has his fly unzipped and something is sticking out!"

"Martha," her companion replied,"When you've seen one you've seen 'em all."

"Well you've never seen one like this before. It's eating my popcorn!"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No more jokes aloud damnit unless you are speaking about a Polish person or an Appalachian white then it is OK