Tuesday, June 14, 2022

(video) dining in our nation's capital: congoids enjoy a meal near howard university

By "W"
Tue, Jun 14, 2022 6:07 p.m.

(video) dining in our nation's capital: congoids enjoy a meal near howard university



eahilf said...

Rather than posting a text URL, at the top right of every tweet is a 3 dot menu -- if you click on that, one option is 'Embed Tweet' -- if you click on 'Embed Tweet', a new tab will open in your browser, with a box labeled 'Copy Code' -- if you then copy & paste that code here, perhaps the tweet would display as it does on a Twitter timeline, in this case including being able to play the video -- I tried this in 2 separate places (a site I use to test HTML formatting before posting it, e.g. in a comment, and at the Unz site, where you can preview a comment before posting it) -- in both places, the copy & pasted code to embed the tweet worked fine.

Why not try that here ... for a change? -- it would be an improvement, right?

Anonymous said...

Who left the tip?


Anonymous said...

General Howard probably had good intentions when he opened the university. I wonder what would he say now?