Monday, June 13, 2022

us marshals arrest three black men in connection to gruesome, hate crime murder after beating White High School Teen to death and then bragging about it to friends

By David in TN
Mon, Jun 13, 2022 9:55 a.m.

US marshals arrest 3 men in connection to gruesome murder after beating high school teen to death and then bragging about it to friends

David in TN: The latest on the Akron "Gruesome Murder." Mostly local coverage, online mention by the new york post and people magazine.


eahilf said...

I read several media reports about this but still have questions:

--Basketball Americans™ were playing basketball
How many?
3 black males were arrested -- were more there at the time?
--4 people drove up in a vehicle, among them Ethan Liming
Were the 4 all males?
Were they all of the same race?
Did any of the 4 know any of the Basketball Americans™?
Were they all complete strangers?
--Someone in the car fired a SplatRBall (link) at the Basketball Americans™
Did they exit the vehicle to do that?
Did all 4 exit the vehicle?
Did Ethan Liming fire the SplatRBall?
--There was a fight, during which Ethan Liming was brutally and fatally injured
Who started the fight? Who initiated the violence?
Was everyone there involved in the fight?
How did the fight unfold?
How was Ethan Liming fatally injured? Who beat him to death? More than one person?
Were any of the others with Liming involved in the fight?
Did any of them try to help/protect him?

With the 4 people in the vehicle (all male?, all white?) outnumbering the 3 (?) Basketball Americans™, you would not normally expect one of the 4 to be fatally injured, since one of the 4 should have been able/available to help Liming -- of course it's possible the guy who killed Liming was physically big and strong enough that he was able to beat up and fatally injure Liming before anyone could help him.

Hopefully these questions will be answered in the future.

Assuming none of these guys knew each other (?), it seems foolish to me (perhaps in hindsight) for the 4 in the vehicle to have provoked the Basketball Americans™ by shooting the SplatRBall at them, albeit it was, by all appearances, a harmless prank -- especially since Blacks are well-known to have low impulse control and a propensity for unwarranted, extreme violence.

I emailed a reporter (a white male) about this to ask why his article included a plea for the public to help identify/find the suspects, but no info about them at all, when they must have been seen by the others who arrived with Liming -- he told me that in an earlier article he quoted Liming's father saying those being sought were black -- the same reporter later wrote an article about the suspects being captured, but did not include a foto of them provided by the US Marshals Service, which I saw on another media outlet (foto).

Here is another part of his reply:

Akron Police Chief Stephen Mylett said in his news conference last week that there was zero evidence this is a race-related crime.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Mulatto American basketball player Liz Cambage calls Nigerian opponents "monkeys" and to go back to the 3rd world country they came from:

I thought it was OK for blacks to racially insult each other? You know, since they're black also then using the n word or some other kind of slur is acceptable, or even a term of endearment.

Maybe it's different in this case because Cambage is a light and bright half White (or is is called "high yeller"?", so it's being taken as an insult from her White side. Or maybe those Nigerians are just too sensitive?

The hypocritical silence on this one is deafening, though normal. But Cambage has subsequently dropped out of the Coronavirus delayed Tokyo Olympics.

Maybe she just used the wrong slur, remember when Spike Lee in School Daze shone a light on racism in the black community between jigaboos (dark skinned blacks) and wannabes (light skinned ones)? She should have just called them jigaboos.

As we know, if a White athlete says the slightest thing racial he is excoriated by the media and may well have his career ended, but blacks say what they want and rarely get more than mild criticism.

Anonymous said...

"of course it's possible the guy who killed Liming was physically big and strong enough that he was able to beat up and fatally injure Liming before anyone could help him."

There was not fight. It was an assault. Ethan evidently from the accounts was suckered punched and fell to the ground and then his head stomped. Three big strong guys all adults kicks and stomps to the head with deadly intent. Typical negro behavior. Vicious and unremitting without mercy. Violence gratuitous and for such a slight reason.

Big as horses and as strong the negro assailant. Use violence quicker for less reason, and more extreme in the use of the violence.

Like with Treyvons in FLA. Tries to kill a man FOR LOOKING at him.

Anonymous said...

"I emailed a reporter (a white male) about this to ask why his article included a plea for the public to help identify/find the suspects, but no info about them at all, when they must have been seen by the others who arrived with Liming"

These bad guys were caught according to reports because the three and their famblees were bragging about the event. Gain some street cred for being BADASSED.