Sunday, June 12, 2022

Any White Students Left at michigan state? three msu students charged in hazing death drinking at the Pi Alpha Phi off-campus fraternity house in East Lansing, Michigan. Ethan Cao, Hoang Pham, and Andrew Nguyen

By R.C.
Fri, Jun 10, 2022 11:42 a.m.

Phat Nguyen, 21, died in November after a brutal night of drinking at the Pi Alpha Phi off-campus fraternity house in East Lansing, Michigan. Ethan Cao, Hoang Pham, and Andrew Nguyen

Any White students left at Michigan State?

In other news, Go Spartans!

N.S.: "A brutal night of drinking"?! What language was that? I've never heard of such usage. A brutal beating, sure. A brutal murder, o.k., although that tends to be abused (not all murders are brutal, and if they were, it would be redundant to call any of them "brutal"). Meanwhile, the language used to describe crimes committed by affirmative action group members, which invariably are brutal, is diluted more and more ("peaceful demonstrations"), beyond recognition.


Anonymous said...

There has to be some White women around,or the blacks wouldn't play niggaball there(football,basketball).It's the first bribe the recruiters mention when attempting to lure a 6'8" j-boo to the campus.


eahilf said...

>Any White Students Left at michigan state?

>Pi Alpha Phi


Pi Alpha Phi Fraternity, Inc. (ΠΑΦ, also Pi Alpha Phi or PAPhi) is an American university-level fraternity. It was founded in 1929 at the University of California, Berkeley, and is the oldest active Asian-American interest fraternity in the nation.

eahilf said...

>the oldest active Asian-American interest fraternity in the nation

So yeah, there are white students at MSU, but this happened at a fraternity for Asians (no, there probably aren't any fraternities for Whites -- that would not be allowed).

>who died from acute alcohol intoxication

Also, this story is sad for the following reason: young people who have never been drunk before, like maybe this kid (?, and at 21 many are still kids) do not know how unpleasant and even what a health risk it can be -- as a young person, I was drunk once and only once in my life -- I felt very unwell for 2 or 3 days -- after that experience, I said 'never again', and have stuck to that.

Too bad this guy perhaps never had a chance to learn that lesson -- I'm sure his parents are devastated.

I do not see the sense of tasteless posts like this.